Create a player for React.js
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    Create a player for React.js

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Applying a player for React.js describes the example for applying and setting a player with Video Player Enhancement Web SDK JS.


    To implement the React.js example, the following environment is required:

    • React Version: 18.2.0 (react-dom version: 18.2.0)

    Dynamic insertion of script tags

    In React.js, you can apply a player by dynamically inserting a script tag.
    The following is how to dynamically insert script tags:

    1. Write the following code in the relevant .js or .jsx component file and add a script tag:

      const script = document.createElement("script");
      const access_key = "VPE SDK Access Key"; // VPE SDK issue key
      script.async = true;
      script.src = ""+access_key;
    2. Handle tasks such as loading external JavaScript in React components as side effects.

      • Use the useEffect() hook to enable the script when the component enters. (see useScrpit)
    3. Write it with the following code, creating useScript.jsxfile in the src/hooks directory:

      import {useEffect, useState} from "react";
      export default function useScript(url) {
           const [status, setStatus] = useState(url ? "loading" : "error");
            useEffect(() => {
                if (!url) {
                let script = document.querySelector(`script[src="${url}"]`);
                if (!script) {
                 console.log("script not found, creating new one...")
                 script = document.createElement(("script"));
                 script.src = url;
                 script.async = true;
                 script.setAttribute("data-status", "loading");
                 const setAttributeFromEvent = (event) => {
                      event.type === "load" ? "ready" : "error"
                 script.addEventListener("load", setAttributeFromEvent);
                 script.addEventListener("error", setAttributeFromEvent);
                } else {
                const setStateFromEvent = (event) => {
                 setStatus(event.type === "load" ? "ready" : "error");
                script.addEventListener("load", setStateFromEvent);
                script.addEventListener("error", setStateFromEvent);
                return () => {
                 if (script) {
                  script.removeEventListener("load", setStateFromEvent);
                  script.removeEventListener("error", setStateFromEvent);
            }, [url]);
            return status;
      • You can manage them by modifying a status value for both when the script is loaded and an error occurs.
    4. Load a player when a script is normally called using useScript in a page and a component.

      • DemoPlayer.jsx
        import useScript from "./hooks/useScript";
        import {useEffect} from "react";
        const access_key = "VPE SDK Access Key"; // Issued VPE license key
        const url = "" + access_key;
        function createPlayer(id) {
            let player = new ncplayer(id, {
                "playlist": [
                        file: "",
                        poster: "",
                        description: {
                            "title": "LIVE ERROR test video",
                            "created_at": "2022.07.13",
                            "profile_name": "NAVER Cloud",
                // options...
        function DemoPlayer() {
            let status = useScript(url);
                useEffect(() => {
                    if (status === "ready") { 
                        // Create a player with the script ready
                    else {
                        console.log("not ready", url)
                }, [status]);
            return (
                   <div id="video"></div>
        export default DemoPlayer

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