Player UI
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    Player UI

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Player UI describes how to edit a script code and set options on Player UI.

    • For descriptions of properties to set options, see Player settings.
    • Configurable options may vary depending on the current pricing plan.

    Aspect ratio

    You can specify aspect ratio of the player with the aspectRatio property.

    • It can be applied only when the player does not have the fixed size of (width, height).
    • Even if the size of the container changes, the configured aspect ratio remains.

    The example to set aspect ratio to 16:9 is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      aspectRatio: '16/9', // Set the aspect ratio
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',

    Fill screen

    You can set how to fill the screen with the objectFit property.
    The example of setting to maintain the ratio of a playback source and fill the screen is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      aspectRatio: '16/9',
      objectFit: 'cover', // Set to fill screen (proportion fit+full)
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',

    Display control bar

    Using the controls property, you can set to display the control bar.
    The example to set control bar as invisible is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      autostart: true,
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
          poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.png',
      controls: false // Control bar is not displayed (true: display the control bar)

    Control bar button UI

    Using the controlBtn property, you can set to use the control bar button UI.


    This option is only available when subscribing the Standard pricing plan.

    The example of setting to display all UI buttons of control bar is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      autostart: true,
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
          poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.png',
      controls: true,
      // true: display buttons, false: doesn't display buttons
      controlBtn: {
          play: true, // Playback
          fullscreen: true, // Switch to full screen
          volume: true, // Volume control
          times: true, // Playback time
          pictureInPicture: true, // PIP
          setting: true, // Settings

    Color of control bar

    Using the progressBarColor property, you can set the color of the control bar on the video search slider.


    This option is only available when subscribing the Standard pricing plan.

    The example to set the color of the control bar to red is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      autostart: true,
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
          poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.png',
      progressBarColor: "#ff0000", // color code (red)

    Multiple languages

    Using the lang property, you can fix the language in the control bar.


    It automatically applies the control bar by detecting the language setting on the browser. If the language set on the browser isn’t available in the player, English(en) is displayed as the default value.

    The example to fix the language of the control bar to English is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video4', {
        playlist: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
        lang:'en' // Multilingual settings (fixed in English)

    Control bar display time

    Using the controlActiveTime property, you can set the time when the control bar is displayed.


    This option is only available when subscribing the Standard pricing plan.

    The example of setting to display the control bar for 3 seconds is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      autostart: true,
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
          poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.png',
      controlActiveTime: 3000, // set the control bar display time (3000=3 seconds)

    Fix Control bar UI

    Using the ui property, you can fix the control bar UI regardless of the device.

    • This option is only available when subscribing the Standard pricing plan.
    • The Ui for mobile provides the touch gesture features, UI for PC provides the keyboard shortcut features.

    The example to fix the control bar UI for mobile is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
      autostart: true,
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
      ui: 'mobile', // Set control bar UI (Fix as UI for mobile)

    Subtitles settings

    Subtitles can be provided, using the playlist.vtt property.


    Captions (subtitles) in VTT format are supported, and multiple subtitles can be provided in an array format.

    The example to provide Korean and English subtitles is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video1', {
        playlist: [
                file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
                poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_image_01.png',
                        file:'https://CDNdomain/subtitles-ko.vtt', // caption file
                        label:'Korean' // caption language
                        file:'https://CDNdomain/subtitles-en.vtt', // caption file
                        label:'English' // caption language

    Add custom buttons

    New features can be provided by adding a custom button in the player with the customBtns property.

    • This option is only available when subscribing the Standard pricing plan.
    • You can add up to 4 custom buttons regardless of the position.

    The location of a custom button by position and flow property settings is as follows:


    The example to add a custom button on the right bottom left is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    let player = new ncplayer('video1', {
      playlist: [
          file: 'https://https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
      customBtns: [
                  ui: "pc", // UI to provide a custom button
                  id: "chatBtn", // DOM ID of a custom button
                  position: "right-bottom", // Area for a custom button (bottom right)
                  flow: "left", // Additional area of a custom button (Left)
                  icon:"https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.svg"// button image URL
                  callback(){ // Event that occurs when clicking a custom button
                    alert('Button click')
                  ui: "mobile", // UI to provide a custom button
                  id: "chatBtn", // DOM ID of a custom button
                  position: "right-bottom", // area for a custom button (bottom right)
                  flow: "left", // additional area of a custom button (Left)
                  icon:"https://CDNdomain/example_video_02.svg"// custom button image URL
                  callback(){ // event that occurs when clicking a custom button
                    alert("button click")
    // bind an event to a custom button, using ready event
          alert('Button click')

    Custom buttons enhancement

    You can display custom buttons differently depending on feature activation status (ON/OFF). You can add icons by status, set the default condition, and add tooltip for each button.

    The example to add icons and tooltip by status for a custom button is as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    new ncplayer('video', {
        playlist: [
                file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
                poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_image_01.png',
                ui:'pc', // provide a custom button UI
                position:'right-bottom', // area for a custom button (bottom right)
                icon:'/image/frame-corners-off.svg', // off state image
                activeIcon:'/image/frame-corners.svg', // on state image
                tooltip:’default mode', // off state tooltip
                activeTooltip:'immersion mode', // on sate tooltip
                flow:'left', // area for a custom button (bottom right)
                default:true, // true (default): on, false: off 
                    // customer code
                    console.log('Value boolean set in player', bool)

    Control bar UI dynamic edit

    You can dynamically edit the button UI depending on the length of the video.
    For example, you can set not to provide full screen, PIP, settings button when duration of a video is less than 10 seconds. Examples are as follows:

    // Video (MP4)
    const player = new ncplayer('video', {
        playlist: [
                file: 'https://CDNdomain/example_video_01.mp4',
                poster: 'https://CDNdomain/example_image_01.png',
    // Control buttons dynamically as per customers' requirement
    const btnDisabled = () =>{
            fullscreen:false, // A full screen button is not displayed (true: display a full screen button)
            pictureInPicture:false, // PIP button is not displayed (true: display PIP button)
            setting:false, // Settings button is not displayed (true: display settings button)
    // \<example> buttons are hidden when duration of a video is less than 10 seconds
        if(res.duration < 10){

    Navigation bar change in Mobile UI

    You can change the navigation bar provided in the mobile UI to put it on the bottom of the player. Examples are as follows:

    <!-- Add mobileSeekBarFix to the parent element of the player-->
    <div class="mobileSeekBarFix">
    	<div id="video"></div>
    <!-- Add mobileSeekBarFix to the parent element of the player-->

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