Video Player Enhancement scenarios
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    Video Player Enhancement scenarios

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    Available in Classic and VPC

    Guide on scenarios for using the console of the Video Player Enhancement service and scenarios for using the supplementary service, Media Analytics.

    Scenario for using the Video Player Enhancement console

    You can use the media play service by applying players easily through the Video Player Enhancement service of NAVER Cloud Platform. You can check how to use in Getting started with Video Player Enhancement and Using Video Player Enhancement in detail, but first see the overall scenario of using the Video Player Enhancement service. Reading the guide after learning the usage scenario will allow you to use the Video Player Enhancement service more smoothly. The overall sequence of using the Video Player Enhancement service and description of each sequence are as follows:

    1. Set usage permissions
    2. Create player
    3. Player settings
    4. Apply player
    5. Deploy player
    6. Player monitoring

    1. Set usage permissions

    If multiple users need to manage and share the Video Player Enhancement service, permissions can be set and operated by user. You can configure the permissions as administrator and user through Sub Account in NAVER Cloud Platform, and roles can be defined for each permission. As permission setup is not required, you can set or cancel them at any time in situations where permission is required while using the Video Player Enhancement service.


    Sub Account is a free service provided upon subscription request without additional charge. For an introduction on Sub Account and more information about its pricing plans, see Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Account on NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

    You can refer to the following user guides:

    2. Create player

    Create a player for the media playback services. You can refer to the following user guides:

    3. Player Settings

    Set the options of the created player in NAVER Cloud Platform console in advance. You can also set options by editing the script code after applying the player. You can refer to the following user guides:

    4. Apply a player

    Apply the created player to the desired environment. You can refer to the following user guides:

    5. Deploy a player

    Once you set the options in the console, you can deploy the player to the development/real environment. You can refer to the following user guides:

    6. Player monitoring

    Check the statistical data on player usage and viewer environment to operate the deployed player. Additionally, we provide specialized statistical data and session logs through the additional service, Media Analytics. You can refer to the following user guides:

    Scenarios for using Media Analytics

    The Media Analytics service is available on the dedicated management page, not on NAVER Cloud Platform console. The following are steps for using the service:

    1. Requesting subscription

    Subscribe to the Media Analytics service through NAVER Cloud Platform console. You are required to subscribe to the Video Player Enhancement service for a paid plan (Standard) and have at least one player created to use the Media Analytics service. You can refer to the following user guides:


    When you apply for the Media Analytics service, the created players are automatically integrated.

    2. Set usage permissions for management page

    Separate access permissions are required to access the Media Analytics management page for checking analysis data. If multiple users should be able to manage and share this service, permissions can be set and operated by user. The main administrator who first applied for the service configures sub-administrator permissions through the administrator settings on the Media Analytics management page. As permission setup is not required, you can create or delete a sub-administrator at any time while using the Media Analytics service.

    You can refer to the following user guides:

    3. Access management page

    Access the Media Analytics management page through NAVER Cloud Platform console. You can refer to the following user guides:

    4. Integrate a player

    If you create a new player while using the Media Analytics service, integrate the player manually. You can refer to the following user guides:

    5. Confirmation of media analysis data

    Check analysis data using the dashboard and various menus provided on the Media Analytics management page. You can refer to the following user guides:

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