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    WORKPLACE Glossary

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    There are a few terms you need to know to use WORKPLACE. The terms and their descriptions are as follows.

    WORKPLACE admin

    The representative WORKPLACE admin has permissions to manage all services and grants members with permissions for managing each service.

    WORKPLACE user

    Users refer to all members of the company invited by the admin to use WORKPLACE. Users can compose or approve documents, check their attendance or expense status, and use bulletin board features.

    NAVER Cloud admin

    This admin has a NAVER Cloud Platform account and is the subject who requests to use WORKPLACE, changes the services to be used or pricing plan, and requests addition or return of shared storage. The admin also has the permission to use features of WORKPLACE Developers and link WORKPLACE to other management systems used by the company.


    To see a full list of terms and definitions, go to Glossary from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.

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