Creating Approval Document
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    Creating Approval Document

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    You can create approval documents from the Compose Document menu. The basic forms provided by WORKPLACE and forms created by the company's WORKPLACE admin are displayed. You can select a form to create a document right away.

    Compose Document

    The following describes how to create approval documents in WORKPLACE.

    1. From the WORKPLACE mobile app page, tap workplace_mobile_menuicon > Approval Home > Compose Document, in that order.

    2. When the Compose Document page appears, proceed with the following steps in order.

    1. Select Approval Document Form

    Select an approval document form to create in the [Recently Used Forms], [Favorite Forms] or [All forms] tab.

    • General Document: a form to be used for work that needs the company's consent, or that needs to be shared (e.g., training request, office supply request, business related)
    • Expenditure Report (Basic, Finance services): a form to request a plan for future expenditure
    • Expenditure Resolution Report (Basic, Finance services): a form for the company to settle payment for its vendors
    • Certificate Request: a form used to request various certificates issued by the company
    • Absence Schedule (Basic): a form used for processing all absence schedules such as annual leaves, family events, business trips, outside work, and work from home
    • Absence Schedule Cancellation (Basic): a form to cancel an approved document among those created with the Absence Schedule Form
    • Work Result Request (Basic): a form to obtain approval for the requests for changes in the clock-in/out record or for the overtime if you have worked extended hours on a workday or worked on a holiday
      • When the document is saved, it is reflected in the work hour status, even before the approver gives consent. When they decline it, the reflected content is canceled.
    • Work Plan Request (Basic): a form to register work plans if you have a plan for doing overtime on a workday or working on a holiday or day off
      • If the work plan is not registered, then the overtime work result request for that date is unavailable.
    • Work Result Request Cancellation (Basic): a form to cancel an approved document among those created with the Work Result Request Form
    • Annual Leave Usage Plan (Basic): a form for employees subject to annual leave usage facilitation to submit their usage plans for remaining annual leaves, when the company is using the facilitation policy for use of annual leave
    • Expense Plan Request (Basic): a form to request the plan for expenses to be spent
      • You can share the expenditure plan to attendees in advance.
    • Expense Settlement Request (Basic): a form to request the settlement of business expenses spent
      • The expenses can be settled with a variety of evidences such as corporate credit cards, personal credit cards, cash. etc.
      • When integrated with credit card companies, you can settle it quickly with the approved corporate credit card history.
      • When an expense plan has been created, you can request the settlement based on the information on the approved plan document.
    • Payroll Certificate Request (Basic, HR services): a form used for requesting receipt for wage and salary income tax withholding, income tax withholding confirmation, and book of wage and salary income withheld
    • Project Code Request (Basic): a form that requests a new project code or modification/deletion of an existing project code
    • Vendor Request (Basic): a form that requests a new vendor or modification/deletion of existing vendor information
    • Official Document Sending Request: used to request to send an official document with a form created to match the format of official document the company sends
    • Official Document Receipt Request: used to request approval of an official document received by the company
    • Leave Request (Part-timer): a form for part-time employees to request leaves
    • Work Result Request (Part-timer): a form for part-time employees to obtain approval for their request for the change in the clock-in/out record and for extended work, holiday work, and overtime as work hours
      • When the document is saved, it is reflected in the work hour status, even before the approver gives consent. When they decline it, the reflected content is canceled.
    • Work Plan Request (Part-timer): a form for part-time employees to register work plans if they have a plan of doing overtime on a workday or of working on a holiday or day off
      • You can't request work plans if your work arrangement is not configured.
    • Forms provided by WORKPLACE by default are as follows: General Document, Absence Schedule, Certificate, Work Plan and Request Requests, and Expense Plan and Settlement Requests. Certain forms related to work or expenses are displayed only if the admin has set to use these features.
    • In addition to forms provided by default in WORKPLACE, the admin can create and use additional forms required for the operation of the company. (See Manage Form)

    2. Create Content

    Create the content of the selected form.



    3. Set Approval Line

    Approval lines set by the admin are displayed automatically.

    • If the approver is an employee, their name and original department are displayed.
    • If the admin has set a department, job title, or job position as an approval line, then the creator must select one employee belonging to the relevant department/job title/job position. Select the approver and tap the [OK] button.
    • If the approval line is set as Nth Reports To by the admin, then the creator must select one approver. Select the approver and tap the [OK] button.
    • If the admin has set the integration with Approval for vendors or project codes as Use and specified a representative admin, then the representative admin is automatically included in the approval line of the vendor request form and project code request form. (See Admin > Common Codes > Manage Common Code)
    • If the admin has set the Approval Line Requirement Status of the form to be Required and there is no Approval Line set by the admin, the document can be reported only after setting the approval line.
    • If the admin has set the Allow Status of Approval Line Change to be Allow, you can change the Approval Line set by the admin. If the admin has set to Not allow, you can't delete but you can add.

    Add Approval Line

    The following describes how to add an approval line.

    1. Tap the [Approval Line] button.
    2. Tap the [Set] button.
      • You can add it by loading from frequently used approval lines (set in the My Approval Line menu) or add it manually.
      • You can load the approval line only if there is no approval line set by the admin or change of approval line is allowed. See Load My Approval Line.
      • To manually add an approver, tap the [Add] button and sequentially proceed from Step 3.
    3. Select the approval type.
    4. Search and select an approver. They can be added as an employee or a department.
      • Employee: You can select by using auto complete by entering two or more characters for the employee's name.
        • The search auto complete results are displayed in the form of "Name (department/job title/job position/nickname)." For employees with concurrent positions, all of their concurrent departments are displayed. (E.g., Gildong Hong/Operation team, Gildong Hong/HR team) Check and select the appropriate information.
          • Job title/job position is displayed if the company is using job title/job position and the employee has a job title/job position assigned to them.
          • Nickname is displayed if a nickname is entered in the employee's personnel information.
      • Department: You can select by using auto complete by entering two or more characters for the department's name.
        • The approval type can't be set to Automatic Consent (or Referenced Approval, Referenced, Notification). (See Approval Type)
        • When it's time to approve the document, the approval notification is sent to all employees in the department, and you can view the document to be approved in the Approval > Pending or Scheduled document box.
        • The approval can be made by anyone in that department at the time of approval. For more information, see Approve Document.
        • Any employee in the department can view the document before, during, or after approval.
      • Tap the [OK] button.
      • Check the selected approver and tap the [X] button form the pop-up window.
      • When using WORKPLACE as a corporate group, you can select any employee or department in the group as the approver.
        1. ~ 4. You can add multiple approvers by repeating the steps.
      • If the admin has set a parallel approval (agreement) line, you can add parallel approvers by tapping the [Add Parallel] button.
      • If the company has allowed the use of sequential approval, then the [Sequential] button is displayed. You can add approvers to be processed sequentially within the parallel approval (agreement). (See the description of "Sequential Approval" in Approval Type)
    5. Change the approval order if necessary.
      • To change the approval order, tap and move workplace_change_order3 to a desired location.
      • If the admin has set to Allow change of approval line for the form, you can remove approvers set by the admin from the approval line. Tap workplace_delete to remove them.
    6. Tap the [OK] button.

    Load My Approval Line

    The following describes how to load and add a preset approval line.

    1. Tap the [Settings] button in the Approval Line area.
    2. Tap Load My Approval Line Group in the Set Approval Line pop-up window to select the approval line group to use.
      • If there are no preset approval line groups in the Approval > My Approval Line menu or the approval line is invalid, Load My Approval Line Group is not displayed.
      • Approvers of the selected approval line group are displayed.
      • Tap workplace_delete to exclude a specific approver of the approval line group from the approval line.
      • See Add Approval Line to manually add an approval line.
      • Change the approval order if necessary.
    3. Tap the [Complete] button.
    • If a part-time employee requests work plans or work results, then the approval line area is not displayed. The manager of part-time employees is set as the default approver. More approvers may be added, depending on the setting of Approval admin.
    • The approval line of expense-related forms is determined according to the Expense admin's settings, and an approval line that is different from default approval line (e.g., a violation approval line that includes the approval by CEO) can be applied depending on the content.
    • For expenditure resolution request and expense settlement request forms, approval lines by amount according to the total amount in the document depending on the admin settings. (See Set Approval Line > Conditional Approval Line)

    Approval Type

    The approval types include Consent, Automatic Consent, Agreement, Parallel Approval, and Parallel Agreement. The name of the approval types may differ according to the Approval admin's settings. (See Manage Name)

    Methods that process documents in the order of the approval line

    • Consent (General Approval, General Document): It's a type of approval for making decisions in general documents.


    • Automatic Consent (Referenced Approval, Referenced, Notification): It's a type of approval for automatically processing the document.


    • The automatic consent is identical to Referenced Approval of a general approval services. It can be used when a user is on the approval line but does not provide consent (approvals).

    • When approved through automatic consent, employees on the approval line does not need to provide their consent. A notification for the automatic consent is sent to the employee whose document has been approved through automatic consent.

    • Agreement (Agreement Approval, Cooperation): An approval type that is processed the same as Approval, but the decisions regarding proceedings of the document are made by an external handler other than an internal approval line (Handling process is identical to Consent, but it is displayed as Agreement).


    Methods where approvers on the same level approve the document at the same time

    • Parallel Approval: It's an approval type where multiple regular approvals are made on the same stage at the same time. (E.g., if there is a meeting of 10 department heads and the result needs to be approved, then you can set each department head as a parallel approver to set up an approval line to their approvals all at once.)


    • Parallel Agreement: It's the same type of processing as Parallel Approval, but the decision is made through external approvers outside of the internal approval line. (The process is identical to Parallel Approval, but displayed as Parallel Agreement.)


    • Sequential Approval: It's an approval type where documents are approved by the order placed in the approval line within Parallel Approval (Agreement).

      • If the admin sets Sequential Approval to Use (see the "Sequential Approval" item in the Manage Approval > Settings menu), then it can be added within Parallel Approval and Parallel Agreement.
      • The document approval is completed only when approvers from the entire parallel unit, including the approver for Parallel Approval (Agreement) and sequential approvers below, all agree.


    4. Receipt Settings

    If the admin has set form-specific Receipt Usage Status to Use, the recipient area is displayed. (See Receipt Settings)
    The recipients set by the admin are automatically displayed.

    • If the admin has set to Not Allow to Change Recipient, the recipient set by the admin can't change.

    Add Recipient

    If the admin has set to Allow Change of Recipient, you can add a recipient when you create a document.

    The following describes how to add a recipient.

    1. Tap the [Recipient] button.
      • You can add it by loading from the frequently used recipient group (set in the My Approval Line menu) or add it manually.
      • You can load recipient groups only if change of recipient is allowed. See Load My Recipient Group.
      • To manually add a recipient, sequentially proceed from Step 2.
    2. Tap the [Add] button in the recipient page.
    3. Select a recipient type. A recipient can be selected as an employee or a department.
    4. Select a recipient from the search result.
      • Employee: Enter the employee name and tap workplace-workplace-2-2_reception_ko to search.
      • Department: Enter the name of a department and tap workplace-workplace-2-2_reception_ko to search.
        • If a recipient is set to a department, all members of the department may receive. If you mark the Include Suborganizations option, then the members who belong to those suborganizations are also included in recipients.
      • Users set as the recipient can view documents in the Approval Home > Inbox menu.
      • Tap workplace_delete to exclude recipients you've added from Recipient.
      • If the admin has set to Allow Change of Recipient, you can remove a recipient set by the admin. Tap workplace_delete to exclude them.

    Load My Recipient Group

    The following describes how to load and add a frequently used recipient group.

    1. Tap Load My Recipient Group in the recipient area.
      • If there are no preset recipient groups in the Approval > My Approval Linemenu or the recipient group is invalid, Load My Recipient Group is not displayed.
    2. Select a recipient group to use.
      • All recipients in the selected recipient group are displayed.
      • See Add Recipient to manually add recipients.
      • Tap workplace_delete to exclude a specific recipient from the recipients.
    • A user used as a recipient can view documents in the Approval Home > Inbox menu. (See Document Receipt and Sending)
    • The receipt time point may vary by form according to the Approval admin's settings. A document can be received starting from the time of document creation or after approval closure.
    • When using WORKPLACE as a corporate group, you can add a department or member of the corporate group as a recipient.

    5. Sharing Settings

    Check Sharing Settings of Admin

    The sharing options set by the admin are automatically displayed.

    • If the admin has set to Not allow change of sharing targets, the sharing options set by the admin can't be changed.

    Change Sharing Settings

    If the admin has set to Allow change of sharing targets, you can change the sharing settings by the admin. For more information about document sharing settings, see Share Document.

    6. Save and Report

    To save and report the created content, tap the [Report] button.

    • The created document is saved and reported to the approver.
    • Tap the [Save Temporarily] button to save the document in the Saved Temporarily document box. The approver, sharing settings, and recipients are saved with the user information at the time of saving temporarily.
    • For expense plans and settlement documents, their audit item violation status is checked before reporting them. If there are items that violate the audit, then the violation is displayed on the pop-up window, and the request can't be completed. However, if the Expense admin applied an approval lines other than the default approval line (e.g., violation approval line including CEO approval), you can complete the approval, even if there are violations. For audit items, WORKPLACE does not have any values set by default, the Expense admin needs to Set Audit Item by expense item according to the company regulations.
      • Exceeded Expense Plan Amount: When you request expense settlements by searching an expense plan, if the settlement amount exceeds the amount in the expense plan, then whether the settlement document can be reported for approval is determined by the option set for Reports Exceeding Expense Plan Amount. You can report it for approval only if this option is set to [Report available], and the default approval line or violated approval line may be applied according to the admin's settings. (See Set Expense)
    • Exceeded Budget: If budgets are set to be used in the Expense or Expenditure service and if budget control of the budget is set to [Yes], budget overruns are checked as follows.
      • For expense settlement requests and expenditure resolution requests, if the budget exceeds the available budget at the time of request, then an insufficient budget message is displayed in the pop-up window and the request can't be completed. In this case, request budget increase to the Expense admin, or request the settlement within the available budget.
    • If the Accounting admin has closed the accounting for the month (based on usage date), then the approval can't be requested. Contact the Accounting admin.

    Content Creation Method By Form

    The following describes how to fill out each form in detail.

    Create General Form


    1. Enter the title.
      • Title is a required field.
    2. Enter the content according to the form.
      • A blank form is displayed if the Approval admin has set the form to Not use, or has not registered any forms.
    3. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.
    4. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    Create Expenditure Report


    The expenditure report form can be created only if the company is using the Expenditure service and has enabled expenditure reports. For more information on setting the expenditure report usage status, see Expenditure > Settings.

    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.
      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.
    3. Tap the [Add Expenditure Records] button, and enter the details.


    Evidence MonthSelect the evidence month (expenditure usage month)
    BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
  • If the budget is designated to the expenditure report requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budgets (When selecting a budget, it displays the budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period.)
  • Expenditure ItemSelect an expenditure item
  • If you're using budgets, then selecting a budget automatically displays the specified expenditure items for the selected budget, and displays the available budget balance
  • If you're not using budgets, you can select from expenditure items set by the admin (If you can't see expenditure items, contact the Expenditure admin of your company.)
  • Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to Use Project Code. Select the project code
  • If the desired code is not displayed in the project code list, then contact the project code admin (See Manage Project Code)
  • AmountEnter the sum of the supply price and VAT amount
    DescriptionEnter details related to the expenditure report request
  • If expenditure report details are set to be required in the Expenditure Service > Settings menu, then the details must be entered
    1. Tap the [Add] button.
      • The entries are displayed.
    2. If you have additional items you need to request, then repeat Step 3.
    3. Enter the reason for request.
    4. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.
    5. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    Create Expenditure Resolution Report


    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.

      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.

    3. Tap the [Add Expenditure Records] button, and enter the details.


    Expenditure ReportIt is displayed if expenditure report is set to Use
  • When requesting an expenditure resolution by importing an expenditure report document created by the user, tap [Select Document] to select the expenditure report
  • Evidence TypeSelect the evidence type
    • Electronic tax invoice: Select between Electronic/General
    • Corporate credit card:
      • If the credit card company integration is not used, then manually enter the credit card company name and the card number
      • If the credit card company integration is being used and you have corporate credit cards in possession, then you can import the corporate credit card usage history by tapping the [Select Integration History] button (However, if a specific usage history is being settled in the Expense service, then that credit card usage history can't be searched when requesting the expenditure resolution.)
      • If the amount used with a corporate credit card exceeds the balance of the budget (when using Budget), then Insufficient Balance is displayed
    • Personal credit card: Manually enter the credit card company name and the card number
    Evidence DateEnter the evidence date (expenditure usage date)
  • When requesting an expenditure resolution by importing an expenditure report, it can only be requested with a date of the evidence month entered in the expenditure report
  • When selecting corporate credit card in the evidence type, the corporate credit card integration history for the evidence month is displayed automatically
  • BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
  • If budget is designated to the expenditure resolution requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (It displays budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period.)
  • When requesting by importing an expenditure report document, it automatically displays the budget information entered when requesting the expenditure report (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, usage period, and balance)
  • Place of UseWhen selecting corporate credit card or corporate credit card integration history as the evidence type, then the place of use is displayed automatically
    Approval NumberWhen selecting corporate credit card or corporate credit card integration history as the evidence type, then the approval number is displayed automatically
    Expenditure ItemSelect an expenditure item
  • When requesting using an expenditure report document, it automatically displays expenditure items mapped to the budget
  • Selecting a budget automatically displays the specified expenditure items for the selected budget, and displays the available budget balance
  • If you're not using budgets, you can select from expenditure items set by the admin (If you can't see expenditure items, contact the Expenditure admin of your company.)
  • Once you select an expenditure item, then it displays the available balance
  • Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to Use Project Code. Select the project code (If the desired code is not displayed in the project code list, then contact the company admin.) (See Manage Project Code)
    TypeSelect an expenditure type (General expenditure/Asset acquisition)
    • Asset acquisition: It is displayed when using the Accounting service
      • When selecting "Asset acquisition," select between "New acquisition" and "Capital acquisition"
    Fixed AssetIt is displayed when "Asset acquisition" is selected for the expenditure type
  • Select by entering the fixed asset code or name, or tap the [Advanced Search] button and select from registered fixed assets (If you don't see the Fixed Asset item, then contact the Accounting admin of the company. If the admin has set Search Expenditure Resolution Report for fixed assets as Allow, then it only displays the list of fixed assets from the creator's affiliated department and its subdepartments.)
  • Once you select a fixed asset, the asset number and asset name are displayed automatically
  • Tax CodeIt is displayed when "Asset acquisition" is selected for the expenditure item. Select a tax code
    VendorSelect the vendor to make the payment to
    • If the vendor you're looking for is not displayed in the vendor list, then contact the Accounting admin of the company (See Manage Vendor)
    • If the company has set to use Approval integration of vendors, then you can make a request using the vendor request form in Approval Home > Compose Document to use it (See Create Vendor Request Form)
      • If its status is Used after the completion of document approval, then it can be viewed from the list
    Account NumberSelect the account number to deposit payment to
  • It can't be selected if there is no account number registered in the vendor information
  • QuantityIt is displayed when "Asset acquisition" is selected for the expenditure item. Enter the quantity
    AmountEnter the supply price, VAT amount, and fees (displayed when "Asset acquisition" is selected for the expenditure item)
  • When selecting corporate credit card or corporate credit card integration history as the evidence type, then the supply price, VAT, and total amount are displayed automatically
  • When requesting using an expenditure report, it automatically displays the amount (supply price + VAT amount) entered when requesting the expenditure report
  • You can enter by editing the supply price and VAT amount. If the sum of the supply price and VAT amount exceeds the amount entered when requesting the expenditure report, it can't be reported for approval
  • When the approval is completed for the expenditure resolution report, the amount entered is deducted from the available budget
  • Evidence DataAttach evidence files such as receipts
  • You can attach multiple evidence data files
  • DescriptionEnter details related to expenditure request
  • If expenditure resolution report details are set to be required in the Expenditure Service > Settings menu, then the details must be entered
    1. If you have additional items you need to request, then repeat Step 3.
      • You can tap the [Add Copied History] button to add items by copying added history.
    2. Enter the reason for request.
    3. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    Create Certificate Request Form


    1. Enter the title.
    2. Select a certificate to be issued.
    3. Enter the number of copies to be issued.
    4. If there are additional items set by the admin to be entered, then enter the corresponding items.
    5. Enter the reason for issuance.
    • If you see the [Issue] button when you view the document in Completed Documents after the approval is completed, then the requestor can manually issue the certificate. After checking the preview, tap the [Print] button. For manual issuances, you can't only issue it once.
    • If you don't see the [Issue] button when you view the document in Completed Documents after the approval is completed, then the admin shall issue the document and stamp it, and deliver it in person to the requestor.

    Create Absence Schedule Form


    When an employee requests absence schedules, [Absence] is displayed if you search for the employee in the Search Member. You can view the date and reason of absence schedules, and an absence message.
    When using with NAVER WORKS, the absence status and the absence item name are displayed in the member information of NAVER WORKS.


    1. Enter the title.
    2. Select the absence item.
      • If you select Biztrip for the absence item, then select the business trip destination.
      • If you select Family event leave for the absence item, then select the family event type and relationship.
    3. Select the absence dates from the calendar.
      • If you select Annual leave as the absence item, then you can set it as follows, depending on the settings in Manage Absence Item.
        • All day unit: If you tap the annual leave usage dates, then they are entered as all day annual leaves.
        • Half Day unit: You can tap the annual leave usage dates, and select the absence in the units of All Day, Morning, and Afternoon.
          • When you select Morning, the start time is the general work start time based on the work arrangement setting and the end time is automatically filled out as the end of the first half a day. You can change the time if necessary. (E.g., if the work hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, the start time is 9:00 AM and the end time is 1:00 PM.)
          • When you select Afternoon, the start time is the start of the last half a day based on the work arrangement setting and the end time is automatically filled out as the end of general work hours (for the selection system, the end of the daily standard work hours). You can change the time when necessary.
            (E.g., if the work hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, the start time is 2:00 PM and the end time is 6:00 PM.)
        • 30 minute/1 hour/2 hours unit: When you tap the date to use for annual leave, a pop-up window appears where you can select the duration of absence from 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours.
          • When requesting the absence schedule using the 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours unit, you can enter the start/end time.
      • When you select Biztrip for the absence item, tap the business trip start and end dates, or tap all dates between the business trip start and end dates.
      • If you select Family event leave as the absence item, then you can configure it as follows according to the company's settings.
        • If the company has set family event leaves to Split use not allowed, then the number of leave days for the family event is specified automatically when you tap the start date.
        • If the company has enabled split usage of family event leaves, then you can split it into 2 or 3 leaves. Select the date to use in the calendar.
          • For split use, you can request it by selecting non-consecutive dates from the absence schedule form, or request them multiple times on different absence schedule forms. For split use in the same absence schedule form, the end date is automatically selected for the last division of the split use according to the number of remaining days once you select the start date. If you select dates by exceeding the number of divisions set by the company, then the selected dates are reset.
        • If the company has set family event leaves to Allow Usage of Days Less Than or Equal to the Number of Granted Days, you select the number of days to request from the calendar to be less than the number of granted days. In this case, for split usage, the sum of days of split usage may be less than the granted number of holidays for the provided family event leave. Select the date to use in the calendar.
        • If the company has set family event leaves to Not Allow Usage of Days Less Than or Equal to the Number of Granted Days, when you tap the start date, the number of holidays for the family event leave is automatically specified.
          • If you select dates by exceeding the number of holidays set by the company, the selected dates are reset.
      • If you select Family event leave as the absence item, the accounting processing job for the payment of family event benefit is conducted automatically. If the family event benefit is paid on a date whose month has been closed in Accounting (based on usage date), then the family event leave can't be requested. Contact the Accounting admin. (The accounting processing is integrated only when you're using the family event absence item provided by WORKPLACE.)
    4. Enter the reason for request.
    5. When using with NAVER WORKS or integrating with the external calendar, the calendar registration item is displayed.
      • When the admin has set that calendar registration is not required, the absence schedule requestor can select whether to register the absence on the calendar.
      • If the admin has set the calendar registration as required, then you can register it on the default calendar or personal calendar. For personal calendars, tap the [Authenticate Additional Calendar] button and authenticated your login.
      • If there are one or more calendars available to be registered, you can select NAVER WORKS or Google Workspace, and for Google Calendar, the individual employee needs to register the Google Workspace ID in My Information > [Integration Information].
      • If the external calendar is integrated, the calendar displays the absence item name and the requestor information. (<example> Annual leave by Sawon Kim)
    6. To delegate approvals during the absence period, select the Delegate Approval to be Delegate and designate the delegator. When using WORKPLACE as a corporate group, you can select any employee in the group as the delegator.
    7. Enter the absence message. If the admin has set that entering an absence message is required, you must enter the absence message.
      • You can view the registered message in the Search Member result and the My Information > Absence Status page.
    8. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.
    9. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.
      • If split-using family event leave, then attach the previously-used absence schedule documents as related documents.

    The absence request is not available for the following cases. Contact the admin.

    • When requesting duplicated absences of same type in the same period, excluding family event leaves
    • When requesting absences during the leave period
    • Annual leaves
      • If the employment date is not entered under Employee Information in the Member Service > Member > Manage Employee menu
      • If the request is made for a date that the annual leave hasn't been generated (before the start of annual leave requests for the next year)
      • If the request is made for a date that the annual leave usage period has expired (after the end of annual leave requests for the previous year)
      • If the annual leave request is made with a schedule that exceeds the remaining annual leaves
      • When you request for an annual leave duration exceeding the base work hours while the admin uses the setting that doesn't allow such request
      • When using the Attendance service, if the annual leave is requested for a date before the closing date after the work schedule has been confirmed up to the closing date, when the annual leave is set to be added to the work hours
      • If the base work hours are exceeded during the calculation period according to the employee's work arrangement, when the annual leave is set to be added to the work hours
        • When selecting the number of annual leave days (hours), a request restriction message is displayed. (E.g., Flexible Clock-in/out work arrangement -> The remaining work hours are 0 hours. Annual leave that exceeds the base work hours can't be requested.)
    • If an absence that exceeds the standard work hours is requested on a date that has a clock-in/out record, when using the fixed hour work system and having worked the entire general work hours
    • If the employee is subject to the flex time system and has fully fulfilled general work hours, then the employee can request an absence, but hours exceeding the base work hours are not recognized. (For recognition of hours exceeding the base work hours, the Work Result Request Form is required.)
    • When requesting an absence with hours (days) that exceeds the maximum extension time allowed for work hours

    Create Absence Schedule Cancellation Form


    You can only cancel documents whose approval is complete.


    1. Enter the title.
    2. Tap the [Document to Cancel] button, select the absence schedule document to cancel, and tap the [OK] button.
    3. Enter the reason for request.
    4. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.

    Create Work Result Request Form

    • The Work Result Request form can be created only if the company is using the Attendance service.
    • If the company has set to use work plans, then the work result requests can be made only when the work plan has been requested.
    • If an overtime work result request needs be made without a work plan request, then the Attendance admin may create a work result request form on your behalf. Contact the Attendance admin. (See Work Result Request Status)


    1. Enter the title.
    2. Enter the base date for which you want to request work result.
      • You can't enter dates later than the date the document is being created on.

      • If a document from the same date, which has been requested using the work result request form, is in progress, then additional requests for that date can't be made.

        • When you enter the base date, the following information is displayed in Reference Information.
          • If the company is using work plans, then the numbers of approved work plan request documents as of the base date are displayed. When you tap a document number, its work plan request form is displayed.
          • If there are clock-in/out records on the base date, then the Clock-in/out Record item is displayed.
          • If the base date includes an absence schedule added to work hours requested by the user, then the Absence item is displayed. If you used a half-day or hourly absence schedule, the total absence time used and the start and end times (if entered) are displayed.
          • If the base date is a holiday according to the work arrangement of the user, then the Compensation Holiday item is displayed.
          • The Work Hour area is displayed for employees whose work arrangement is Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out upon selecting a base date.
            • If the admin has set it to "Allow selection of general work hours regardless of the clock-in time," you can select and request from displayed work hours, regardless of the selected work hours when clocking in/out. If it is set to "Do not allow selection of general work hours regardless of the clock-in time," then hours earlier than the clock-in time are displayed as inactive. When clocking in later than all hours, it is fixed to the latest hours.
            • When using the "Report Approval of Work Schedule" method, the Work Schedule of the day is automatically displayed and other hours can't be selected.
              • However, you can freely select work hours for a date for which the work schedule is not registered.
          • The remaining workdays and base work hours during the calculation period are displayed under Daily Average Remaining Time.
          • For employees whose work arrangement is Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time, one week is considered as the calculation period. The standard work hour for a week compared to the sum of the general, overtime, night, holiday general, holiday overtime, and holiday night up to the current point of the week is displayed under Accumulated Time During Specified Period.
          • For employees whose work arrangement is Flexible Clock-in/out, it is based on the Calculation Period determined from Set Work Arrangement. The base work hour for the calculation period compared to the accumulated work hours up to the current point is displayed under Accumulated Time During Specified Period.
          • The displayed daily average remaining time and accumulated time during specified period include work hours that are currently being created.
        • When you request a work result for holiday work, a compensating holiday is automatically created and the number of days accrued and expiration date are displayed. The compensation holiday settings of the Attendance admin determine the number of compensation holidays accrued and their expiration date. (See Manage Absence Item)
    3. Enter the clock-in and clock-out times.
    4. Work location items are displayed when the company has set to use the work location. Select a work location of the base date from among work locations set by the company admin.
    5. Add a break time if necessary.
      • The break time set by the company is entered by default, and additional breaks can be entered according to the employee's work arrangement settings.
    6. If necessary, add outside work hours.
      • The input field for outside work hours is displayed according to the work arrangement settings.
      • Automatic breaks do not apply to the additionally entered outside work hours even though breaks are provided based on the work hours. Enter a time excluding break time or manually add a break time.
    7. Enter the reason for request.
    8. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.

    Once work result request form is saved, it is considered approved, even before the actual approval. Then, the requested hours are reflected in My Board > Manage Attendance > Work Hour Status. When the approval is rejected, changes to the clock-in/out times, leaves, or outside work hours from that date, as well as overtime hours outside of general work hours, are not recognized and changed back.

    Create Work Plan Request Form


    The work plan request forms can be created only when the company uses the Attendance service. For more details about work plan usage status settings, see Set Attendance.


    1. Enter the title.
    2. Enter the base date for which you want to request work plan.
      • You can only enter the date the document is being created on or later dates.
    3. Tap the [Add] button, and enter the date and time for which you want to request the overtime work.
      • You can select a date among the day before the base date, base date, and the day after the base date.
      • Tap the [Add] button again to register multiple sections.
    4. Enter the reason for request.
    5. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.

    Create Work Result Request Cancellation Form


    You can only cancel work result request documents whose approval is complete.


    1. Enter the title.
    2. Tap the [Document to Cancel] button, select the work result request document to cancel, and tap the [OK] button.
      • Only approved work result request forms will be displayed.
    3. Enter the reason for request.
    4. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.

    Create Annual Leave Usage Plan Form

    • The facilitation policy for the use of annual leave is a policy introduced to promote the use of paid annual leaves, which is the right of employees. It is a policy that facilitates the use of annual leaves by notifying the remaining annual leaves to employees before the use period of paid annual leaves expires.
    • The Annual Leave Usage Plan form is a form provided when the company uses the promotion policy for use of annual leave, and it can be created only if you're subject to all of the following.
      • Annual leave usage urge target employee
      • Within 10 days of receiving the company's promotion instruction email
    • If the company is using the promotion policy for use of annual leave, employees that have any unused annual leave granted, between the employment date and time of promotion for employees with less than one year of service and between the annual leave start date and time of promotion for employees with one year or more of service, are subject to annual leave usage urge. The company searches for the target employees and sends the instruction email for submission of annual leave usage plan. The employees that receives this email can create annual leave usage plan form upon receiving the annual leave promotion email, and they need to submit the remaining annual leave usage plan within the urge period (within 10 days of receiving the email). If they don't submit the plan, then the company specifies the annual leave usage dates and notifies them, and the remaining annual leaves will expire.
    • The submission of annual leave usage plan doesn’t deduct the actual annual leave days left.

    Annual Leave Usage Plan Form for Employees With Less Than a Year of Service:

    Annual Leave Usage Plan Form for Employees With a Year or More of Service:

    1. Enter the title.
    2. Check the remaining annual leaves.
    3. If you're eligible for promotion of annual leaves for less than a year of service as well as annual leaves for a year or more of service, the annual leave usage plan areas for both less than a year and a year or more are displayed, and you can select the area to fill in.
      • If you're subject to either less than a year or a year or more, skip this step.
    4. Tap the [Add] button, and add usage dates.
      • Select a date later than today.
      • You can't enter dates later than the annual leave end date.
      • Add until the remaining annual leaves become 0.
      • According to the annual leave usage unit set by the admin, you can also add annual leave plans in units of half-day or hours. If the annual leave usage unit is set as All day, then you can't use it by splitting them in units of half-day or hours.

    Create Expense Plan Request Form


    1. If there are two or more affiliated departments, then select the concurrent departments.
      • If you belong to only one department, then the Concurrent Position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.
    3. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the affiliated department that is appropriate for the content of the expense plan.
    4. Sets the settlement request available period for the expense settlement.
      • It is the period for which you can view and create an expense plan document in Expense Settlement Form.
      • If the Expense admin has set a settlement request available schedule, the creator can't edit it and can only view it.
    5. Tap the [Add Expense Item] button, and enter the details.


    AmountEnter the amount to use
  • Enter it in the standard currency set by the company
  • Usage MonthSelect the expense usage month
  • You can't select a future usage month beyond the settlement request available schedule
  • Expense ItemSelect the expense item
  • If a budget has been allocated to the selected affiliated department, then the available budget as of the estimated settlement date for the selected expense item is displayed
  • The available budget is displayed as the difference between the allocated budget amount at the time and executed amount at the time, according to the carryover status
  • Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to use project codes. Select the project code (If the desired code is not displayed in the project code list, then contact the company admin.) (See Manage Project Code)
    BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
  • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays designated budget to the expense settlement requestor as the using department
  • If budget is allocated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period). Tap the budget to display the budget balance next to the expense item
  • When creating an expense plan, budget selections are for reference only and are not actually deducted from the budget. The budget amount is deducted upon expense settlement.
  • Outsider/Attendee
    1. Tap the [Add] button.
    2. If you have additional items you need to request, then repeat Steps 5 and 6.
      • It displays the grand total for the added expense plan request history, as well as the grand total by expense item.
    3. Enter the reason for the expense plan.
    4. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    Create Expense Settlement Request Form

    Fill out the expense settlement request form, depending on whether an expense plan is used and a corporate credit card is integrated.


    If the company has enabled the AI OCR feature, then you can request expense settlement quickly using the AI OCR feature.
    If you’ve used all the AI OCR cases set by the company admin, then the AI OCR feature may be limited. Contact the Expense admin.
    For more information about AI OCR, see Manage AI OCR Usage.

    If You’re Using Expense Plans and Have Integrated Corporate Credit Cards


    1. If there are two or more affiliated departments, then select the departments under the Concurrent Position item.

      • If you belong to only one department, then the Concurrent Position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.

    3. Select the affiliated department.

      • The affiliated department or employee name of the requestor is selected and displayed by default according to the basing settings for the affiliated department set by the Expense admin. (See Set Expense)
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Department": The primary department is displayed by default, and for concurrent positions, you can select the applicable affiliated department for the expense settlement content.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Employee": The employee name is displayed by default if there's any budget allocated for the individual at the time of the settlement request. If there's no allocated budget, then the primary department is displayed.
    4. Tap the [Add Integrated Settlement History] button.

      • The [Add Integrated Settlement History] button is displayed if unsettled items exist in corporate credit cards you have or corporate credit cards whose settlement has been delegated to you from the card owner.
    5. From the corporate card history selection page, select the card and settlement history to settle, and tap the [OK] button.

      • If you are using WORKPLACE as a corporate group, then the corporate credit cards for which you are registered as card holder by the corresponding company are displayed on the selected expense settlement form.
      • The history with expired settlement period can't be searched. For more details on settlement period, contact the Expense admin. (See Set Expense)
      • The approved history that have been excluded from settlement or delegated can't be searched.
      • Settled history can't be searched.
    6. Check and edit the settlement history.

      Evidence TypeDepending on the payment method, the types such as Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash are displayed automatically
      Approval Amount/Settlement Amount
      • If the Expense admin has set Settlement amount not editable, then the credit card approval amount is entered automatically as the settlement amount, and the settlement request amount can't be edited
      • If the Expense admin has set Settlement amount editable, then the credit card approval amount is displayed as Approval Amount, and you can enter the settlement request amount manually
      Attach Receipt
      • Receipt for verification is automatically generated if you do not attach a receipt file (Automatically generated receipts are not legally binding.)
      • The approver can check the details of the corporate credit card receipts in the approval process
      Expense Usage PlanTap the [View Document] button, select the expense plan document applicable for the settlement content, and then tap the [OK] button
      • If there are unsettled items in the period of requested expense plans, then the [View Document] button is activated
      • To import an expense plan document, you need to satisfy all of the following conditions: matching affiliated department, valid estimated schedule of the expense plan request form, and yourself as the creator or attendee
      Expense ItemWhen you import the expense plan document, the expense items of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Project CodeIf the project code has been set to use, then the project code of the document is displayed automatically once you import the expense plan document (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderWhen you import the expense plan document, the outsiders of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      AttendeeWhen you import the expense plan document, the attendees of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      DetailsWhen you import the expense plan document, the details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
    7. To read the information of the receipt and add its details, tap the [Add OCR History] button, and select the receipt to settle.

      • This feature is available only when the company has set to use the AI OCR feature. (See Manage AI OCR Usage)
      • Once you upload the receipt, the data of the receipt is automatically entered in each field. Check the details and edit it if necessary.


      Evidence TypeDepending on the payment method, the types such as Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash are displayed automatically
      AmountThe total amount on the receipt is automatically displayed
      Usage Date/Place of UseIt automatically displays the expense usage date and place of use for the receipt
      Receipt File NameIt displays the name of the attached receipt file, and it also displays the receipt image when you tap it
      Expense Usage PlanTap the [View Document] button, select the expense plan document applicable for the settlement content, and then tap the [OK] button
      • If there are unsettled items in the period of requested expense plans, then the [View Document] button is activated
      • To import an expense plan document, you need to satisfy all of the following conditions: matching affiliated department, valid estimated schedule of the expense plan request form, and yourself as the creator or attendee
      • When you import the expense plan document, the expense items, outsiders, attendees, and details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Expense ItemWhen you import the expense plan document, the expense items of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Project CodeIf the project code has been set to use, then the project code of the document is displayed automatically once you import the expense plan document (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderWhen you import the expense plan document, the outsiders of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      AttendeeWhen you import the expense plan document, the attendees of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      • The item names on the receipt are displayed automatically
      • When you import the expense plan document, the details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
    8. To add the usage history for cash or credit cards other than integrated corporate credit cards, tap the [Add Settlement History], and then fill out the items.

      Evidence TypeYou can select from Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash (If you don't have personal corporate credit card, then the Corporate (personal) field is not displayed.)
      The display order of the evidence type selection values follows the admin settings
      AmountEnter the same amount as that on the receipt in the standard currency set by the company
      • In the case of foreign currency, select the currency type and enter the amount used in local currency, standard currency, and standard amount respectively
      • You can upload a receipt by tapping the [Attach Receipt] button. You can't add a usage history without attaching a receipt
      Usage Date/Place of UseEnter the expense usage date and place of use
      Expense Usage PlanTap the [View Document] button, select the expense plan document applicable for the settlement content, and then tap the [OK] button
      • If there are unsettled items in the period of requested expense plans, then the [View Document] button is activated
      • To import an expense plan document, you need to satisfy all of the following conditions: matching affiliated department, valid estimated schedule of the expense plan request form, and yourself as the creator or attendee
      • When you import the expense plan document, the expense items, outsiders, attendees, and details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Expense ItemWhen you import the expense plan document, the expense items of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Project CodeIf the project code has been set to use, then the project code of the document is displayed automatically once you import the expense plan document (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderWhen you import the expense plan document, the outsiders of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      AttendeeWhen you import the expense plan document, the attendees of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      DetailsWhen you import the expense plan document, the details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
    9. If you have additional history you need to settle, then repeat Steps 4 to 6, 7, or 8 according to the type.

      • It displays the grand total for the added expense plan request history, as well as the grand total by expense item.
    10. Enter the reason for the expense settlement.

    11. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    If You're Using Expense Plans and Don't Have Integrated Corporate Credit Cards


    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.

      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.

    3. Select the affiliated department.

      • The affiliated department or employee name of the requestor is selected and displayed by default according to the basing settings for the affiliated department set in the Expense Service > Settings menu by the Expense admin.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Department": The primary department is displayed by default, and for concurrent positions, you can select the applicable affiliated department for the expense settlement content.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Employee": The employee name is displayed by default if there's any budget allocated for the individual at the time of the settlement request. If there's no allocated budget, then the primary department is displayed.
    4. To read the information of the receipt and add its details, tap the [Add OCR History] button, and select the receipt to settle.

      • This feature is available only when the company has set to use the AI OCR feature. (See Manage AI OCR Usage)
      • Once you upload the receipt, the data of the receipt is automatically entered in each field. Check the details and edit it if necessary.


      Evidence TypeDepending on the payment method, the types such as Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash are displayed automatically
      AmountThe total amount on the receipt is automatically displayed
      Usage Date/Place of UseIt automatically displays the expense usage date and place of use for the receipt
      Receipt File NameIt displays the name of the attached receipt file, and it also displays the receipt image when you tap it
      Expense Usage PlanTap the [View Document] button, select the expense plan document applicable for the settlement content, and then tap the [OK] button
      • If there are unsettled items in the period of requested expense plans, then the [View Document] button is activated
      • To import an expense plan document, you need to satisfy all of the following conditions: matching affiliated department, valid estimated schedule of the expense plan request form, and yourself as the creator or attendee
      • When you import the expense plan document, the expense items, outsiders, attendees, and details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Expense ItemWhen you import the expense plan document, the expense items of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Project CodeIf the project code has been set to use, then the project code of the document is displayed automatically once you import the expense plan document (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderWhen you import the expense plan document, the outsiders of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      AttendeeWhen you import the expense plan document, the attendees of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      • The item names on the receipt are displayed automatically
      • When you import the expense plan document, the details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
    5. Tap the [Add Settlement History] button, and enter the details.

      Evidence TypeYou can select from Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash (If you don't have personal corporate credit card, then the Corporate (personal) field is not displayed.)
      The display order of the evidence type selection values follows the admin settings
      Settlement AmountEnter the same amount as that on the receipt in the standard currency set by the company
      • In the case of foreign currency, select the currency type and enter the amount used in local currency, standard currency, and standard amount respectively
      • You can upload a receipt by tapping the [Attach Receipt] button. You can't add a usage history without attaching a receipt
      Usage Date/Place of UseEnter the expense usage date and place of use
      Expense Usage PlanTap the [View Document] button, select the expense plan document applicable for the settlement content, and then tap the [OK] button
      • If there are unsettled items in the period of requested expense plans, then the [View Document] button is activated
      • To import an expense plan document, you need to satisfy all of the following conditions: matching affiliated department, valid estimated schedule of the expense plan request form, and yourself as the creator or attendee
      • When you import the expense plan document, the expense items, outsiders, attendees, and details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Expense ItemWhen you import the expense plan document, the expense items of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Project CodeIf the project code has been set to use, then the project code of the document is displayed automatically once you import the expense plan document (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderWhen you import the expense plan document, the outsiders of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      AttendeeWhen you import the expense plan document, the attendees of the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      DetailsWhen you import the expense plan document, the details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
    6. If you have additional history you need to settle, then repeat Step 4 or 5 according to the type.

      • It displays the grand total for the added expense plan request history, as well as the grand total by expense item.
    7. Enter the reason for the expense settlement.

    8. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    If You’re Not Using Expense Plans and Have Integrated Corporate Credit Cards


    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.

      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.

    3. Select the affiliated department.

      • The affiliated department or employee name of the requestor is selected and displayed by default according to the basing settings for the affiliated department set in the Expense Service > Settings menu by the Expense admin.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Department": The primary department is displayed by default, and for concurrent positions, you can select the applicable affiliated department for the expense settlement content.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Employee": The employee name is displayed by default if there's any budget allocated for the individual at the time of the settlement request. If there's no allocated budget, then the primary department is displayed.
    4. Tap the [Add Integrated Settlement History] button.

      • The [Add Integrated Settlement History] button is displayed if unsettled items exist in corporate credit cards you have or corporate credit cards whose settlement has been delegated to you from the card owner.
    5. From the pop-up window, select the card and settlement history to settle, and tap the [OK] button.

      • If you are using WORKPLACE as a corporate group, then the corporate credit cards for which you are registered as card holder by the corresponding company are displayed on the selected expense settlement form.
      • The history with expired settlement period can't be searched. For more details on settlement period, contact the Expense admin. (See Set Expense)
      • The approved history that have been excluded from settlement or delegated can't be searched.
      • Settled history can't be searched.
    6. Check and edit the settlement history.

      Evidence TypeDepending on the payment method, the types such as Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash are displayed automatically
      Approval Amount/Settlement Amount
      • If the Expense admin has set Settlement amount not editable, then the credit card approval amount is entered automatically as the settlement amount, and the settlement request amount can't be edited
      • If the Expense admin has set Settlement amount editable, then the credit card approval amount is displayed as Approval Amount, and you can enter the settlement request amount manually
      Attach Receipt
      • Receipt for verification is automatically generated if you do not attach a receipt file (Automatically generated receipts are not legally binding.)
      • The approver can check the details of the corporate credit card receipts in the approval process
      Expense Item
      • Outsider and Attendee fields are displayed according to the expense item
      • Whether you can add outsiders and attendees according to the expense item depends on the Expense admin's settings (See Manage Expense Item Code)
      Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to use project codes. Select the project code (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderPeople subject to the Anti Graft Law can be selected if the employees of public institutions, media, public/private school, and their spouses are included in the settlement in accordance with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
      • You can register internal employees and outsiders separately
      • The creator themselves is set as an attendee by default
      • To add employees, tap workplace_add3, search by the name of employee or department, and then tap their name
      • If you add a department, then all members of that department are added as attendees
      • To add outsiders, tap workplace_add3, enter their affiliation and name, and then tap the [Add] button
      • To delete added attendees, tap workplace_delete
      DetailsEnter the details related to the expense settlement
    7. To read the information of the receipt and add its details, tap the [Add OCR History] button, and select the receipt to settle.

      • This feature is available only when the company has set to use the AI OCR feature. (See Manage AI OCR Usage)
      • Once you upload the receipt, the data of the receipt is automatically entered in each field. Check the details and edit it if necessary.
      Evidence TypeDepending on the payment method, the types such as Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash are displayed automatically
      AmountThe total amount on the receipt is automatically displayed
      Usage Date/Place of UseIt automatically displays the expense usage date and place of use for the receipt
      Receipt File NameIt displays the name of the attached receipt file, and it also displays the receipt image when you tap it
      Expense Item
      • Outsider and Attendee fields are displayed according to the expense item
      • Whether you can add outsiders and attendees according to the expense item depends on the Expense admin's settings (See Manage Expense Item Code)
      Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to use project codes. Select the project code (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderPeople subject to the Anti Graft Law can be selected if the employees of public institutions, media, public/private school, and their spouses are included in the settlement in accordance with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
      • You can register internal employees and outsiders separately
      • The creator themselves is set as an attendee by default
      • To add employees, tap workplace_add3, search by the name of employee or department, and then tap their name
      • If you add a department, then all members of that department are added as attendees
      • To add outsiders, tap workplace_add3, enter their affiliation and name, and then tap the [Add] button
      • To delete added attendees, tap workplace_delete
      DetailsThe item names on the receipt are displayed automatically
    8. To add the usage history for cash or credit cards other than integrated corporate credit cards, tap the [Add Manual Settlement History], and then fill out the items.

      Evidence TypeYou can select from Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash (If you don't have personal corporate credit card, then the Corporate (personal) field is not displayed.)
      The display order of the evidence type selection values follows the admin settings
      Settlement AmountEnter the same amount as that on the receipt in the standard currency set by the company
      • In the case of foreign currency, select the currency type and enter the amount used in local currency, standard currency, and standard amount respectively
      • You can upload a receipt by tapping the [Attach Receipt] button. You can't add usage history if you don't attach receipts
      Usage Date/Place of UseEnter the expense usage date and place of use
      Expense Usage PlanTap the [View Document] button, select the expense plan document applicable for the settlement content, and then tap the [OK] button
      • If there are unsettled items in the period of requested expense plans, then the [View Document] button is activated
      • To import an expense plan document, you need to satisfy all of the following conditions: matching affiliated department, valid estimated schedule of the expense plan request form, and yourself as the creator or attendee
      • When you import the expense plan document, the expense items, outsiders, attendees, and details for the document are displayed automatically and can be edited if needed
      Expense Item
      • Outsider and Attendee fields are displayed according to the expense item
      • Whether you can add outsiders and attendees according to the expense item depends on the Expense admin's settings (See Manage Expense Item Code)
      Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to use project codes. Select the project code (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderPeople subject to the Anti Graft Law can be selected if the employees of public institutions, media, public/private school, and their spouses are included in the settlement in accordance with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
      • You can register internal employees and outsiders separately
      • The creator themselves is set as an attendee by default
      • To add employees, tap workplace_add3, search by the name of employee or department, and then tap their name
      • If you add a department, then all members of that department are added as attendees
      • To add outsiders, tap workplace_add3, enter their affiliation and name, and then tap the [Add] button
      • To delete added attendees, tap workplace_delete
      DetailsEnter the details related to the expense settlement
    9. If you have additional history you need to settle, then repeat Steps 4 to 6, 7, or 8 according to the type.

      • It displays the grand total for the added expense plan request history, as well as the grand total by expense item.
    10. Enter the reason for the expense settlement.

    11. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    If You're Not Using Expense Plans and Don't Have Integrated Corporate Credit Cards


    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.

      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.

    3. Select the affiliated department.

      • The affiliated department or employee name of the requestor is selected and displayed by default according to the basing settings for the affiliated department set in Expense Service > Settings by the Expense admin.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Department": The primary department is displayed by default, and for concurrent positions, you can select the applicable affiliated department for the expense settlement content.
        • If the affiliated department setting is set to "Employee": The employee name is displayed by default if there's any budget allocated for the individual at the time of the settlement request. If there's no allocated budget, then the primary department is displayed.
    4. To read the information of the receipt and add its details, tap the [Add OCR History] button, and select the receipt to settle.

      • This feature is available only when the company has set to use the AI OCR feature. (See Manage AI OCR Usage)
      • Once you upload the receipt, the data of the receipt is automatically entered in each field. Check the details and edit it if necessary.


      Evidence TypeDepending on the payment method, the types such as Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash are displayed automatically
      AmountThe total amount on the receipt is automatically displayed
      Usage Date/Place of UseIt automatically displays the expense usage date and place of use for the receipt
      Receipt File NameIt displays the name of the attached receipt file, and it also displays the receipt image when you tap it
      Expense Item
      • Outsider and Attendee fields are displayed according to the expense item
      • Whether you can add outsiders and attendees according to the expense item depends on the Expense admin's settings (See Manage Expense Item Code)
      Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to use project codes. Select the project code (See Manage Common Code)
      BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
      • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
        • If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
      OutsiderPeople subject to the Anti Graft Law can be selected if the employees of public institutions, media, public/private school, and their spouses are included in the settlement in accordance with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
      • You can register internal employees and outsiders separately
      • The creator themselves is set as an attendee by default
      • To add employees, tap workplace_add3, search by the name of employee or department, and then tap their name
      • If you add a department, then all members of that department are added as attendees
      • To add outsiders, tap workplace_add3, enter their affiliation and name, and then tap the [Add] button
      • To delete added attendees, tap workplace_delete
      DetailsThe item names on the receipt are displayed automatically
    5. Tap the [Add Settlement History] button, and enter the details.


    Evidence TypeYou can select from Corporate (public), Corporate (personal), Corporate (debit), Personal card, and Cash (If you don't have personal corporate credit card, then the Corporate (personal) field is not displayed.)
    • The display order of the evidence type selection values follows the admin settings
    AmountEnter the same amount as that on the receipt in the standard currency set by the company
    • In the case of foreign currency, select the currency type and enter the amount used in local currency, standard currency, and standard amount respectively
    • You can upload a receipt by tapping the [Attach Receipt] button. You can't add usage history if you don't attach receipts
    Usage Date/Place of UseEnter the expense usage date and place of use
    Expense Item
    • Outsider and Attendee fields are displayed according to the expense item
    • Whether you can add outsiders and attendees according to the expense item depends on the Expense admin's settings (See Manage Expense Item Code)
    Project CodeIt is displayed if the company has set to use project codes. Select the project code (See Manage Common Code)
    BudgetSelect budget when using budgets
    • If budget is designated to the expense requestor or affiliated department of the requestor as the using department, tap the [View All Budgets] button to view all available budget (budget name, affiliated department, budget type, budget item, and usage period)
    • - If the selected affiliated department, expense item, and project code (optional) match, it displays the budget to the expense settlement requestor specified as the using department
    OutsiderPeople subject to the Anti Graft Law can be selected if the employees of public institutions, media, public/private school, and their spouses are included in the settlement in accordance with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
    • You can register internal employees and outsiders separately
    • The creator themselves is set as an attendee by default
    • To add employees, tap workplace_add3, search by the name of employee or department, and then tap their name
    • If you add a department, then all members of that department are added as attendees
    • To add outsiders, tap workplace_add3, enter their affiliation and name, and then tap the [Add] button
    • To delete added attendees, tap workplace_delete
    DetailsEnter the details related to the expense settlement
    1. If you have additional history you need to settle, then repeat Step 4 or 5 according to the type.
      • It displays the grand total for the added expense plan request history, as well as the grand total by expense item.
    2. Enter the reason for the expense settlement.
    3. If there are related documents to one you're creating, tap the [Related Document] button, and select related documents.

    Create Payroll Certificate Request Form

    If the company uses HR services and the Payroll service, then the payroll certificate request form is provided.

    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.

      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.

    3. Select a payroll certificate to be issued from Certificate Item. Fill out the information displayed according to the certificate to be issued by referring to the following table.

      Certificate ItemDescription
      Receipt for Wage and Salary Income Tax WithholdingSelect imputed year: Select it based on the previous year
      • It can be issued only if the year-end tax settlement history can be searched
      • The issuance of previous year's receipt for wage and salary income tax withholding can be done after the payment statement submission due date (March 10) (E.g., Year-end tax settlement for 2021 is issued after March 10, 2022.)
      Select whether to display personal information
      Select the language of issuance
      Enter the purpose of issuance
      Certificate of Income Tax WithheldSelect the payroll month
      • It can be issued only if there is payroll that is searched during the selected payroll month period
      Enter the purpose of use
      Enter the place of submission
      Enter the creation date
      Select whether to display personal information
      Select the language of issuance
      Enter the purpose of issuance
      Book of Wage and Salary Income WithheldBook of wage and salary income withheld is a form issued for the period during which the issuance of labor income withholding tax receipts is unavailable. It is issued as the wage and salary income receipt once year-end tax settlement is completed
      Select the payroll month
      • It can be issued only if there is payroll that is searched during the selected payroll month period
      • The book of wage and salary income withheld can only be requested in Korean
      Enter the purpose of issuance
    4. Enter the number of copies to be issued.

    • If the payroll tax form issuance method is Issue manually (seal stamped), fill out the payroll certificate request form and tap the [Report] button, you are directed to the Request Certificate page with the [Issue] button displayed at the bottom. You can issue the certificate manually by tapping the button.
      • After tapping the [Issue] button, check the certificate details in the pop-up window that appears, and then tap the [Print] button.
      • For manual issuances, you can't only issue it once. To make additional issuances, create the approval document again.
    • If the payroll tax form issuance method is Issue original (no seal), then the [Issue] button isn’t displayed in the Request Certificate page. The admin will issue the certificate, stamp it, and deliver it to the requestor in person.

    Create Project Code Request Form

    Project Code Request is a form provided when project codes are set to be integrated with Approval. (See Admin > Common Code > Manage Common Code)

    Project codes are required for the company's projects. You can request new project codes, or request modification or deletion of the existing project code information. Once the document approval is completed, it is reflected on the project code list, and you can use codes in the Used status.

    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.
      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.
    3. Select the request type, and enter the information.

    New Request

    You can request new project codes.

    1. Select New from the type.
    2. Enter the project name.
    3. Enter the project code name.
    4. The code status can be selected between Used and Not used. If Not used is selected, then it is only saved and not displayed when entering or viewing project codes.
    5. Enter the start and end dates for the project.
    6. Search and select the manager. The manager is the person responsible for the project and only one person can be assigned to it. You can also add associate managers by the unit of an employee or a department if needed.
      • Managers and associate managers can request modification or deletion of project codes.
      • Add Associate Manager: When adding as employees, you can add multiple employees. When adding as department, it includes all members affiliated with the department. If you select Include Suborganizations, then the members who belong to suborganizations of the selected department are also included.
    7. The currency of the project amount can be entered by selecting one of the currencies managed in the Manage Basic Code menu of the Admin service.
    8. Enter the details.
    9. To attach files, tap the [Attach File] button to upload files.

    Request Modification

    You can request modification of the existing project code information.

    1. Select Modification from the type.
    2. Tap the [View Project Code] button to search for the code you want to edit and select it.
      • The selected project code information is displayed automatically.
    3. Edit the information by referring to Editable Item Table by Code Status to be Edited.

    Request Deletion

    You can request deletion of project codes in the Not used status.

    1. Select Deletion from the type.
    2. Tap the [View Project Code] button to search for the code you want to delete and select it.
      • The selected project code information is displayed automatically.
    3. Check the information of the project code you want to delete.
      • When requesting deletion, select the code status as Deleted.
      • Once it's approved, the project code is permanently deleted and can't be restored.

    Create Vendor Request Form

    It is a form provided when vendor requests are set to be integrated with Approval. (See Admin > Common Codes > Manage Common Code)

    You can request new vendors, or request modification or deletion of the existing vendor information. Once the document approval is completed, it is reflected on the vendor list, and you can use vendors in the Used status.

    1. If you have two or more affiliated departments, then select the department.
      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the title.
    3. Select the request type, and enter the information.

    New Request

    You can request new vendors.

    1. Select New from the request type.
    2. Enter the vendor name.
    3. Select the usage status. You can select between Used and Not used. If Not used is selected, then it is only saved and not displayed when entering or viewing vendors.
    4. Select the vendor type.
    5. Enter the vendor information.
      • Enter the business registration number, and then tap the [Check for Duplicates] button to check if it is duplicated. If it's identified to be a duplicated, then a notification for creation of modification request is displayed. If you agree, then the request type is switched into Modification. (See Request Modification)
    6. Tap the [Attach File] button and attach evidence documents.
    7. Enter the information of the manager.
    8. Enter the account information.
    9. If you have any related documents, attach them.

    Request Modification

    You can request modification of the existing vendor information.

    1. Select Modification from the type.
    2. Search for the vendor you want to edit from Vendor Name and select it.
      • The selected vendor information is displayed automatically.
    3. Edit items available for modification.
      • You can't edit the usage status, vendor type, representative, or business registration number.
    4. Enter the reason for modification.

    Request Deletion

    You can delete vendors with no usage history.

    1. Select Deletion from the request type.
    2. Search for the vendor you want to delete from Vendor Name and select it.
      • The selected vendor information is displayed automatically.
    3. Check the information of the vendor you want to delete.
      • Once it's approved, the vendor is permanently deleted and can't be restored.
      • You can't delete vendors that have usage history in related WORKPLACE services.
    4. If you have any related documents, attach them.

    Create Official Document Sending Request Form

    When the company has set Official Document Receipt and Sending to Use, you can request sending of official documents. The official document sending request forms can be created in advance by the official document admin. (See Manage Approval > Official Document > Manage Official Document)

    Users can request to send official documents by filling out the official document sending request form in the "In use" status. The official document sending requestor or approver can view the official document requested to be sent from Approval Home > Official Document Box after the document approval is completed. To print the official document requested to be sent, do so from the PC page.

    1. If there are two or more affiliated departments, then select the concurrent departments.
      • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
    2. Enter the official document sending title.
      • If you don't enter a title, it will be automatically displayed in the form of "Template name_official document title."
    3. Select the name of the official document to send.
      • You can only select official documents set to "Use" by the admin.
    4. Official letter items are displayed if they're set to be displayed by the admin. Enter the content if needed.
      Official Letter ItemDescription
      Sender/Sender Address/Phone NumberIf the admin has selected a company name or business place as the sender, that information is automatically displayed in the Sender/Sender Address/Phone Number fields
      • If there are multiple business places, then selecting from the list of business places displays the information for that business place
      • If the relevant company or business place information is not entered in the Admin > Company Information > Manage Company Information and Manage Business Place menus, then the information may not be displayed. Request after entering the relevant information
      • If the admin has set Sender to "Enter Manually," enter the sender information manually
        ManagerThe creator name is automatically displayed and can be edited
        Implementation DateThe creation date of the sending request form is displayed automatically and can be edited
        Recipient/Receipt DetailsEnter the recipient information
        Reference/Reference DetailsEnter the reference information
      • Enter an official document title. If there are official document titles set by the admin, then they are automatically displayed. If it is set to be not editable by users, the requestor can't edit the title.
      • Enter the official document content. If the admin has set a text format, fill it out according to the format.
      • Attach the evidence data if needed.
      • If you have any related documents, attach them.

      The following are the required fields when requesting to send an official document.

      • Concurrent position, official document name, official document title, official document content

      Create Official Document Receipt Request Form

      It is a form provided by default when using official document receipt and sending. Users fill out the official document receipt request form to save the received official document in the official document box through approval. The official document receipt requestor or approver can view and print the official document requested to be received from Approval Home > Official Document Box after the document approval is completed.

      1. If there are two or more affiliated departments, then select the concurrent departments.
        • If you belong to only one department, then the concurrent position item will not appear.
      2. Enter the official document receipt request title.
      3. Enter the name of the official document to receive.
      4. Enter the official letter items.
        • Storing Department: If necessary, you can select the storage department for the received official document.
        • Official Document Number: If necessary, you can enter the official document number.
        • Implementation Date: If necessary, it will automatically be marked as the creation date of the official document receipt request form, and it can be edited.
        • If necessary, you can enter the sender and sender details.
      5. Enter an official document title.
      6. Enter the remarks if needed.
      7. Attach the evidence data if needed.
      8. Select the related document if necessary.

      Create Part-time Employee Form

      If the company has set to use part-time employees, then leave request, work result request, and work plan request forms are provided to part-time employees.

      Since they are forms for part-time employees, the form names are displayed with "(Part-timer)."

      Create Leave Request (Part-timer) Form

      • The part-time employees can only request leaves if they have leaves given according to the Attendance admin's Set Leave Standard for Part-timers. If you aren't given any leaves, then contact the Attendance admin and your workplace manager.
      • For the leave request of part-time employees, the workplace manager is set as the default approver. More approvers may be added, depending on the Approval admin's settings. (See Manage Approval Line)


      1. Enter the title.
      2. Select the unit and date of leave you want to request.
      • The unit of leaves can be selected according to Attendance admin’s settings in Leave Standard for Part-timers.
        • All day unit: You can only request all-day leaves.
        • Half day unit: You can request by selecting from All day/Morning/Afternoon.
        • 2 hour unit: You can request leaves by units of 2 hours.
        • 1 hour unit: You can request leaves by units of 1 hour.
        • 30 minute unit: You can request leaves in units of 30 minutes.
      1. Enter the reason for leave.
      2. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.

      Create Work Result Request (Part-timer) Form

      • The Work Result Request form can be created only if the company is using the Attendance service.
      • If the company has set to use work plans, then the work result requests can be made only when the work plan has been requested.
      • If an overtime work result request needs be made without a work plan request, then the Attendance admin may create a work result request form on your behalf. Contact the Attendance admin. (See Work Result Request Status)


      1. Enter the title.

      2. Enter the base date for which you want to request work result.

        • You can't enter dates later than the date when the document is being created.
        • If a document from the same date, which has been requested using the work result request form, is in progress, then additional requests for that date can't be made.
        • When you enter the base date, the following information is displayed in Reference Information.
          • If the company is using work plans, then the numbers of approved work plan request documents as of the base date are displayed. When you tap a document number, its work plan request form is displayed.
          • If there are clock-in/out records on the base date, then the Clock-in/out Record item is displayed.
          • If the base date includes an absence schedule added to work hours requested by the user, then the Absence item is displayed.
          • If the base date is a holiday according to the work arrangement of the user, then the Compensation Holiday item is displayed.
          • The Work Hour area is displayed for employees whose work arrangement is Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out upon selecting a base date. When clocking in, the selected work hours are selected by default, and other time ranges can't be selected.
            • "Select on Day of Work" method: If the admin has set it to "Allow selection of general work hours regardless of the clock-in time," you can select and request from displayed work hours regardless of the selected work hours when clocking in/out. If it is set to "Do not allow selection of general work hours regardless of the clock-in time," then hours earlier than the clock-in time are displayed as inactive. When clocking in later than all hours, it is fixed to the latest hours.
            • "Report Approval of Work Schedule" method: The work hours selected when requesting work schedule are automatically selected and displayed, and other hours can't be selected.
            • However, you can freely select work hours for a date for which the work schedule is not registered.
          • The remaining workdays and base work hours during the calculation period are displayed under Daily Average Remaining Time.
          • For employees whose work arrangement is Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time, one week is considered as the calculation period. The standard work hour for a week compared to the sum of the general, overtime, night, holiday general, holiday overtime, and holiday night up to the current point of the week is displayed under Accumulated Time During Specified Period.
          • For employees whose work arrangement is Flexible Clock-in/out, it is based on the Calculation Period determined from Set Work Arrangement. The base work hour for the calculation period compared to the accumulated work hours up to the current point is displayed under Accumulated Time During Specified Period.
          • The displayed daily average remaining time and accumulated time during specified period include work hours that are currently being created.
        • When you request a work result for holiday work, a compensating holiday is automatically created and the number of days accrued and expiration date are displayed. The compensation holiday settings of the Attendance admin determine the number of compensation holidays accrued and their expiration date. (See Manage Absence Item)
      3. Enter the clock-in and clock-out date and time.

      4. Work Location items are displayed when the company has set to use the work location. Select a work location of the base date from among work locations set by the company admin.

      5. Enter the reason for request.

      6. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.


      Once work result request form is saved, it is considered approved, even before the actual approval. Then, the requested hours are reflected in My Board > Manage Attendance > Work Hour Status. When the approval is rejected, changes to the clock-in/out times, leaves, or outside work hours from that date, as well as overtime hours outside of general work hours, are not recognized and changed back.

      Work Plan Request (Part-timer)


      The work plan request forms can be created only when the company uses the Attendance service. For more details about work plan usage status settings, see Set Attendance.


      1. Enter the title.
      2. Enter the base date for which you want to request work plan.
        • You can only enter the date the document is being created on or later dates.
      3. Tap the [Add] button, and enter the date and time for which you want to request the overtime work.
        • You can select a date among the day before the base date, base date, and the day after the base date.
        • Tap the [Add] button again to register multiple sections.
      4. Enter the reason for request.
      5. If you have any files to attach, tap the [Attach File] button, and select the file you want to attach.

      Create by Copying Document

      You can use completed or declined documents to create documents quickly.

      The following describes how to create a document by copying.

      1. Tap workplace_mobile_menuicon > Completed Documents, in that order, from the WORKPLACE mobile app.
      2. Tap the title of the document you want to copy and create.
      3. Tap the [Create by Copying] button.
        • The document edit page is displayed with major items of the selected document filled with the existing content.
      4. Apply the edited content, and tap the [Report] button.
        • The document is saved, and the approval request is sent.

      The following are the items loaded with the existing content by form when creating by copying.

      Form NameMaintained Items
      Absence ScheduleTitle, Reason, Absence Status Sharing, Attach File, Related Document (However, items other than Title are not maintained when the form resets due to changes in other items.)
      Absence Schedule CancellationTitle, Reason, Attach File
      Work Result RequestTitle, Reason, Attach File, Clock-in, Clock-out, Breaks, Outside Work (However, the Clock-in, Clock-out, Breaks, and Outside Work items are not maintained when the form resets due to changes in other items.)
      Work Result CancellationTitle, Reason, Attach File
      Work Plan RequestTitle, Reason, Attach File
      Certificate RequestTitle and Reason
      GeneralTitle, Attach File, Related Document
      Expense Plan Request (limited to documents yet to be settled)Title, Estimated Schedule, Amount, Details, Reason, Related Document
      Expense Settlement Request[Additional Manual Settlement of Integrated Settlement]: Evidence Type, Settlement Amount, Usage Date, Place of Use
      [Manual Settlement]: Expense Item, Outsider, Details, Reason, Related Document
      Expenditure Resolution ReportTitle, Budget, Expense Item, Evidence Type, Vendor, Account, Date of Evidence, Amount, Details, Related Document
      Request Payroll Certificate[Receipt for Wage and Salary Income Tax Withholding]: Title, Certificate Item, Number of Copies, Imputed Year, personal information, Language, Purpose of Issuance
      [Certificate of Income Tax Withheld]: Title, Certificate Item, Number of Copies, Payroll Month, Purpose of Use, Place of Submission, Creation Date, personal information, Language, Purpose of Issuance
      [Book of Wage and Salary Income Withheld]: Title, Certificate Item, Number of Copies, Payroll Month, Purpose of Issuance

      Cancel Document

      To cancel a document you created, see how to cancel a document in different approval situations.

      • Before the first approval of the approval line approves on the document: Open the document and tap the [Retrieve] button to cancel the document.
      • If any approver has proceeded with approval, including "Automatic Consent," then the [Retrieve] button will not appear.
      • A document without an approver is instantly closed, so the [Retrieve] button will not be shown.
      • If you recall a document, then it will be saved as draft and switched to the edit mode along with its content. You can edit the content and create by copying.
      • While approval is in progress: Check the approver who approved in the document details page or Ongoing Document menu. Request approval cancellation to that approver.

      • When approval has been completed: If you can't find the document in the Ongoing Document menu, then this means that the document has been completed. Proceed as instructed as follows.

        • For the Absence Schedule document, Compose Document > Absence Schedule Cancellation form needs to be created to proceed with cancellation.
        • For the Work Result Request document, Compose Document > Cancel Work Result Request form needs to be created to proceed with cancellation.
        • For other forms, cancellation request is not available. In this case, contact the Approval admin to ask for the document to be hidden or deleted.

      If you can't manually create the Absence Schedule Cancellation or Cancel Work Result Request form, then ask the admin to cancel the document. (See Absence Schedule Document Cancellation by Admin, Cancel Work Result Document)

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