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    Article Summary


    Available in Classic and VPC

    Home is the first page displayed when you log in to WORKPLACE. The information to be checked quickly in Home by users are summarized and provided through widgets. If you set frequently used widgets to be displayed in Home page, you can check the necessary information at a glance and handle tasks upon connecting to WORKPLACE.


    The Home page is laid out as follows.


    ① Widget areaIt displays the list of widgets set to be displayed (See Detailed Descriptions of Widgets)
    Edit HomeClick to edit widgets to be displayed in Home (See Edit Home)

    Detailed Descriptions of Widgets

    The detailed descriptions of each widget displayed in Home page are as follows.


    Provided widgets may differ depending on services being used or account/admin settings.

    • WORKPLACE Lite provides Approval Documents, Organization Chart, and Favorite Forms widgets. When using in combination with NAVER WORKS, Today's Schedule, Mail, and workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_koRecent Posts widgets are displayed.
    • For business accounts, Approval Document, workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_koRecent Posts, and Favorite Forms widgets are displayed. When using in combination with NAVER WORKS, Today's Schedule, Mail, and workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_koRecent Posts widgets are displayed.
    Approval DocumentIt displays the lists of approval documents and received documents
  • Approval Document Title: Click to go to Approval Home
  • Number of documents by document box: Click to go to each document box
  • When zoomed in, it displays the document title, creator, and creation date by document box. Click to go to each document
  • Organization ChartIt displays the information of department members
    • Organization Chart title: Click to display the information of the logged in employee from the Search Member pop-up window
    • Member list: It displays department members including the logged-in user in the order displayed in the organization chart. It doesn't display hidden employees
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: In the case of absence, absence is displayed in the profile picture. Click to view the absence information. When using with NAVER WORKS, the status icon of NAVER WORKS is displayed
    • Select Department: (Displayed when holding a concurrent position in the same company or a corporate group) Select the concurrent department to view
    • When using with NAVER WORKS Basic or higher, the "Favorites" field is provided, which displays members added to favorites in NAVER WORKS
    • Employee Name: Click to display the employee information in the Search Member pop-up window. It displays the primary department of the logged-in user
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko, workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: (Displayed only when the member search exposure is set and entered from Member > Settings > Set Basic Information) Click each icon to create email to the employee (a pop-up window for default email application provided by the OS appears) or copy the mobile phone number to the clipboard
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: (Displayed when used in combination with NAVER WORKS) Click to go to the chatroom with the employee
    • [View All]: Click to go to the Search Member > Organization Chart pop-up window. When viewing Favorites, it directs to the NAVER WORKS Contacts > [Favorites] tab
      Clock-in/out(When using the Attendance service) It displays the clock-in/out information
    • Clock-in/out Title: Click to go to Clock-in/out Status
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: It is displayed if there are days on which work hours are not registered (days where clock-in or out is not entered and no absence schedule is planned) within the calculation period according to the work arrangement. Go to Clock-in/out Status and enter the work hours or fill out the Work Result Request form
    • GMT, date, day of the week, current time: It is displayed based on the time zone settings of the company
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: It is displayed from the clock-in check until clicking the clock-out button
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: It is displayed from the clock-out check until clicking the next clock-in button
    • Clock-in/out Check Button: It displays the clock-in/out check information based on the work arrangement settings (See Clock-in/out Widget)
    • It displays the work plan calendar based on the work arrangement
    • My Annual Leaves(When using the Attendance service) It displays the information of your remaining annual leaves (remaining leaves for part-time employees)
    • My Annual Leaves Title: Click to go to My Absence Schedule
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: It is displayed for the urge notification target when using the annual leave promotion system. Click the [Annual Leave Usage Plan] button to Create Annual Leave Usage Plan
    • [Absence Schedule]: Click to Create Absence Schedule
    • When zoomed-in, it displays the list of absences requested for the current year, sorted by latest first
    • [View All]: This button is displayed if there are multiple absence records. Click to go to My Absence Schedule
    • My Work Hours(When using the Attendance service) It displays your work hours (daily average remaining time, accumulated time during specified period)
    • My Work Hours Title: Click to go to Work Hour Status
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: It is displayed between the closing date and confirmation period set by the admin. Hover the mouse over to check the closing date
    • [Confirm Work Hours]: It is displayed between the closing date and confirmation period set by the admin. Click to confirm the work hours
    • When zoomed-in, the accumulated time graph is displayed
    • This Month's Settlement(When using the Expense service) It displays your monthly settlement amount and number of items
    • Monthly Settlement Title: Click to go to Expense Settlement Status
    • Select Company: It is displayed when holding concurrent positions at group companies. Click to select the concurrently appointed company
    • [Expense Settlement Request]: Click to Create Expense Settlement Document
    • When zoomed-in, the monthly settlement history is displayed, sorted by latest first. Click to view documents
    • [View All]: The button is displayed when the settlement history is long. Click to go to Expense Settlement Status
    • Corporate Credit Card Settlement(When using the Expense service, when using/possessing corporate credit cards) It displays your settled/unsettled corporate credit card information
    • Corporate Credit Card Settlement Title: Click to go to Expense Settlement Status
    • Period Available for Settlement: It displays the period available for settlement of the corporate credit card usage history according to the period available for settlement set by the company from the Expense service
    • Select Company: It is displayed when holding concurrent positions at group companies. Click to select the concurrently appointed company
    • [Create Expense Settlement]: Click to Create Expense Settlement Document
    • When zoomed-in, the unsettled corporate credit card history is displayed, sorted by latest first
    • [View All]: This button is displayed when the unsettled history is long. Click to go to Corporate Credit Card Usage History
    • Expense Plan Not Settled(When using the Expense service, when using expense plans) It displays your total unsettled expense plan amount and number of items
    • Expense Plan Not Settled Title: Click to go to Expense Settlement Status
    • Select Company: It is displayed when holding concurrent positions at group companies. Click to select the concurrently appointed company
    • [Create Expense Settlement]: Click to Create Expense Settlement Document.
    • When zoomed-in, the list of unsettled expense plans is displayed
    • Department Attendance Status(When using Attendance and having Viewing Permissions) It displays the absence and work status of department members
    • Department Attendance Status Title: Click to go to Department Absence Status or Department Work Status
    • Select Department: It is displayed when one or more departments can be viewed according to the permissions. Click to select the department to view
    • It displays the number of late clock-ins, early clock-outs, and noncompliance with mandatory work hours according to the work arrangement, and number of work plan requests according to the use of work plans
    • When zoomed-in, it displays the details by item
    • [View All]: This button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to Department Absence Status or Department Work Status
    • Part-timer Status(When using part-timer and having Viewing Permissions) It displays the absence and work status of part-time employees
    • Part-timer Status Title: Click to go to Leave Status by Workplace or Work Status by Workplace
    • It displays the number of late clock-ins, early clock-outs, and noncompliance with mandatory work hours according to the work arrangement, and number of work plan requests according to the use of work plans
    • When zoomed-in, it displays the details by item
    • [View All]: This button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to Leave Status By Workplace or Work Status by Workplace
    • Department Expense Status(When using the Expense service and having Viewing Permissions) It displays the number of settlement items of the department
    • Department Expense Status Title: Click to go to Department Expense Status
    • Select Company (select affiliated department): It is displayed when appointed concurrently to corporate groups or affiliated with one or more departments. Click to select the concurrently appointed company or affiliated department
    • When zoomed-in, it displays the number of settlements by expense item and their total amount
    • [View All]: This button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to Department Expense Status
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_koRecent Posts(When using the Post service) It displays the list of WORKPLACE posts with viewing permissions, sorted by latest first
    • Post Title: Click to go to Post Home
    • Post Title: Click to view posts
    • [Create Post]: It is displayed when you have creation permissions. Click to create posts
    • [View All]: The button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to All Posts
    • Favorite FormsIt displays configured favorite forms
    • Favorite Forms Title: Click to go to Approval Home
    • Select Company: It is displayed when holding concurrent positions at corporate group. Click to select the concurrently appointed company
    • Form Name: Click to go to the Create Form page of the selected form
    • [View All]: The button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to the Approval Home > Create Document page
    • [Create Document]: Click to go to the Approval Home > Create Document page
    • Today's ReservationsIt displays your reservation status for the day (including reservations you're set as an attendee) and favorite resources
    • Today's Reservations Title: Click to go to the Reservation Home page of the user
    • [View All]: It is displayed if you have 3 or more reservations for the day. Click to go to My Reservation page
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_koRecent Posts(When using with NAVER WORKS) It displays the recent post list of NAVER WORKS
    • Post Title: Click to view the post
    • [Create Post]: Click to create posts
    • [View All]: The button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to Recent Posts
    • Mail(When using in combination with NAVER WORKS) It displays the mail list of NAVER WORKS
    • Mail Title: Click to go to the mail list
    • [Received Mails]: Click to display the list
    • [Unread Mails]: Click to display the list of unread mails
    • [View All]: Click to go to the list of mails
    • [Create Mail]: Click to go to Write Mail
    • Today's Schedule(When using with NAVER WORKS) It displays the registered schedules of the NAVER WORKS Calendar
    • Schedule Title: Click to go to the NAVER WORKS Calendar
    • Schedule Name: It displays only schedules after the current time. Click to view the details of the schedule
    • [Register Schedule]: This button is displayed when no schedule is registered. Click to register schedules
    • When zoomed-in, it displays the Calendar
    • [View All]: This button is displayed when the list is long. Click to go to the NAVER WORKS Calendar
    • Note
      • It may take some time to reflect the latest information by service to widgets provided in Home.
      • When the widget is zoomed-in, for the approval document, the workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko latest post, workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko latest post, and mail widgets can be viewed up to 50 using pagination at the bottom part.

      Clock-in/out Widget

      If the company sets to use Attendance service and the work arrangement is specified, then you can check the clock-in/out from the Clock-in/out widget.

      If the work arrangement is not specified, then you can check the clock-in/out after contacting the Attendance admin and being assigned a work arrangement. Employees who use the Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out method ("Report Approval of Work Schedule") can't check their clock-in/out unless they register their work schedule. (See Add Work Schedule)


      When the Clock-in/out Records (Check Time) are Displayed Differently from the Work Hours

      • WORKPLACE complies with the Korean Labor Standards Act, so work hours other than regular schedule are recognized as work hours only when there is a work instruction from the user, and is approved.

      • Work hours entered before the start or after the end of general work hours on a day with a specified work arrangement must be approved through Create Work Result Request Form for them to be reflected as overtime work hours.
        A company where you work at a fixed schedule, clocking in at 9:00 AM. and clocking out at 6:00 PM.

        • Even if an employee arrives at 8:30 AM and clocks in (clicks the [ON] button), the 30 minutes prior to 9:00 AM, when general work hours begin, is not recognized as valid work hours unless work result request is approved.
        • Even if an employee works past general work hours until 12:00 AM (midnight) and clocks out (clicks the [OFF] button), the time after 6:00 PM, when general work hours end, is not recognized as valid work hours unless work result request was approved. (Night hour records are not recognized as valid either.)
        • In the above case, if the work result request is approved, 30 minutes in the morning and 6 hours in the evening are recorded as extended work hours. In addition, if the night work start time set by the company is 10:00 PM, extended (night) work hours of 2 hours are also recorded.


      Clock-in/out Cards by Situation

      The clock-in/out card is differently displayed, depending on the situation. The Clock-in/out check page, depending on each situation is as follows.

      When the Clock-in/out Check Method Is “Once a Day”

      Only the clock-in ([ON]) button is displayed. After checking the clock-in, only the clock-out ([OFF]) button is displayed, and the clock-out time is automatically calculated as the general work hour end time.

      • Before Clock-in Check

      • After Clock-in Check

      When the Clock-in/out Check Method Is “Twice a Day”

      Both the activated clock-in ([ON]) button and deactivated clock-out ([OFF]) button are displayed. After checking the clock-in, the clock-in time is displayed below the [ON] button, and the [OFF] button is activated. The [OFF] button is displayed until the following day's [ON] button is activated.

      • Before Clock-in Check

      • After Clock-in Check

      When It Is Not a Workday

      On days set as holidays or days-off in the user's individual work schedule, the clock-in/out button is not displayed. If you worked on a holiday, then Create Work Result Request Form.


      When the Work Arrangement Is Not Registered

      For employees whose work arrangement is not specified, the Attendance admin can check the clock-in/out after specifying the work arrangement.


      When the Clock-in/Out Is Not Checked

      For Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time method, if you do not check the clock-in by the end of general work end time for that day, you can't check the clock-in/out for that day (today). You must Create Work Result Request Form and get it approved for it to be recognized as valid work hours.


      When Clock-in/out Time or Work Hours Are Entered by the Attendance Admin

      If the Attendance admin enters the clock-in/out or work hours instead, then the clock-in/out button is deactivated.


      When the Work Schedule Is Not Registered

      • Employees who use the "Report Approval of Work Schedule" method of Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out or Flexible Clock-in/out can't check their clock-in/out if they don't have work schedule on the day of the clock-in/out check. Clock-in/out checks are available once you request your work schedule and get it approved. (See Add Work Schedule)


      Clock-in/out Check

      Depending on the check method, only clock-in is checked or both clock-in and clock-out are checked.

      • The display start time of the [ON] button is decided by the employee's work arrangement. (E.g., by work arrangement, immediately after/30 min before/ 60 min before/ 90 min before/ 120 min before the regular work start time) If the work arrangement is Flexible Clock-in/out, then the [ON] button is displayed immediately after the set work start time on the applicable day.
      • In the Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time and Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out methods, if late clock-ins are used according to the work arrangement settings, you can record late clock-ins.
        • When clocking in after the general work hours, it is recorded as a late clock-in.
        • For the late clock-in, you can't enter the clock-in time with a time earlier than the current time.
        • If an employee has enabled clock-in notification in the Set Notifications menu, then that employee can receive a notification if they didn’t check in by the set time. (The clock-in notification is not sent on holidays/days off defined in work arrangement settings.)
        • If the work arrangement is Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time and a time unit absence or morning half day off is used, then the late clock-in status is not recorded.
      • In the Flexible Clock-in/out method, if you use Compliance With Mandatory Work Hours according to the work arrangement settings, you can record the compliance with mandatory work hours.
        • If you clock in later than set mandatory work start time or clock out earlier than set mandatory work end time, then it may be recorded as Noncompliance.
        • You can't enter the clock-in time before the mandatory work start time in the case of noncompliance with mandatory work hours.
        • If an employee enables clock-in (mandatory work hour start time) or clock-out (mandatory work hour end time) notifications in the Set Notifications menu and does not clock in/out up to the set time, then they will receive a notification.
        • When an absence is used, the mandatory work hour compliance status is not recorded.
      • If an employee works after the clock-out time in the Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time and Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out method, then they must Create Work Result Request Form and get it approved for the hours worked to be recognized as overtime or night work hours. However, if the night hours set by the company according to the work arrangement are general work hours, then they are reflected as night work hours even if the work result request form is not filled out.
      • In the Flexible Clock-in/out method, if an employee works during the night work hours set by the company, then they must fill out the work result request form and get it approved for the hours worked to be recognized as night work hours.

      Check Once a Day (Check Clock-in Only)

      If the clock-in/out check method is Once a Day, then you can clock in/out as follows.

      1. From the Clock-in/out widget in Home, click the [ON] button.
      2. Enter the clock-in time on the View Details page.
        • Today’s date is displayed as the Base Date.
          • By default, "Today" is based on the general work hour start time of the base date.
          • If an employee with Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time work arrangement does not clock in until the general work hour end time on a workday, then it is considered an absence and the [ON] button disappears. In such case, the employee must Create Work Result Request Form and get it approved for it to be reflected as clock-in/out time.
        • For employees whose work arrangement is Select a Set Time to Clock-in/out, the work hour selection area is displayed.
          • The work hours are set by the Attendance admin, and employees can select one among set hours. If you clock in later than all of the set clock-in hours, then you can only select the latest hours. However, if the Attendance admin has set the work arrangement so that the work hours can be selected regardless of the clock-in time, arbitrary work hours can be selected.
          • Employees applicable for the "Report Approval of Work Schedule" method can request their work schedules by selecting from work hour slots set by the admin. The work hour slot requested by the user is selected and displayed automatically in the Clock-in/out Check page, and it can't be edited.
        • Enter the clock-in time in the Clock-in field.
          • You can select a clock-in date from the previous date, current date, and following date as of today. If you clocked in last night for urgent work and worked continuously until the next day's regular work hours, or if you work overtime after midnight, then select and enter the clock-in date.
          • The clock-in time is displayed as the time when the [ON] button was clicked (hereinafter referred to as the current time), but it can be changed to an earlier or later time. However, if the Attendance admin didn’t allow changing clock-in time in the work arrangement, then the clock-in time is recorded based on company’s standard server time and can't be changed.
          • When clocking in late, you can only enter time after the current time.
      • Work Location field can be displayed according to the work arrangement settings. Select a work location for the base date among work locations set by the company. If necessary, you can edit the work location from the Clock-in/out Status menu within the allowed period for changing work hours set by the company.
      • The Absence field is displayed when there is an absence schedule added up to the work hours requested by the user on the base date. If there are various absences in a day, then it is displayed by also adding up the base work hours (standard work hours in case of Flexible Clock-in/out).
      • Break and Outside Work fields can be displayed according to the work arrangement settings. You can enter additional break hours in addition to the basically granted break hours or add outside work hours. The total number of break hours entered is displayed. Prompt them to add any missing break hours separately.
        • The break hours additionally entered between clock-in/out records are deducted (-) from the total work hours on the base date.
        • The outside work hours additionally entered before or after the clock-in/out records are added up (+) to the total work hours on the base date.
        • If the work arrangement is Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time, then work hours entered before the start or after the end of general work hours must be approved through Create Work Result Request Form for them to be reflected as overtime work hours.
        • If the break time is granted in proportion to work hours, then break time is not automatically calculated for outside work hours that were entered additionally. Therefore, hours excluding break time must be entered or break time must be added separately.
      1. Click the [OK] button.
        • The clock-in is completed, and the [OFF] button on the clock-in/out card will be deactivated.

      Check Twice a Day (Clock-in)

      If the clock-in/out check method is Check Twice a Day, then you can clock in as follows.

      1. From the Clock-in/out widget in Home, click the [ON] button.
      2. Enter the clock-in time on the View Details page.
        • For more information on each item, see Check Once a Day (Check Clock-in Only).
        • Employees whose work arrangement is Flexible Clock-in/out can enter a clock-in time before the clock-in ([ON]) button is activated the following day.
      3. Click the [OK] button.
        • The [ON] button is deactivated, and the [OFF] button is activated.
        • The clock-in time is displayed below the [ON] button.

      Check Twice a Day (Clock-out)

      If the clock-in/out check method is Check Twice a Day, then you can clock out as follows.

      1. From the Clock-in/out widget in Home, click the [OFF] button.
      2. Enter the clock-out time on the View Details page.
        • You can't enter a time later that current time as a clock-out time.
        • The work hours can't be calculated unless you check the clock-out. Employees who left work without clocking out must Create Work Result Request Form and get it approved for it to be recognized as valid work hours.
        • If you register a clock-out result on the night before the base date or the early morning after the base date, then select the date and then enter the time.
        • Work Location field can be displayed according to the work arrangement settings. You can enter a work location for the base date among work locations set by the company, or edit the work location entered upon clock-in check.
        • The Absence field is displayed when there is an absence schedule added up to the work hours requested by the user on the base date. If there are various absences in a day, then it is displayed by also adding up the base work hours (standard work hours in case of Flexible Clock-in/out).
        • Break and Outside Work fields can be displayed according to the work arrangement settings. You can enter additional break hours in addition to the basically granted break hours or add outside work hours. The total number of break hours entered is displayed. Prompt them to add any missing break hours separately.
          • If the work arrangement is Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time, then work hours entered before the start or after the end of general work hours must be approved through Create Work Result Request Form for them to be reflected as overtime work hours.
          • If the work arrangement is Flexible Clock-in/out, then the general work hour end time is not separately specified. In this case, the entered outside work hours are all added up to the general work hours. However, if all base work hours are filled within the settlement period, it will be recorded as Overtime upon approval.
          • If the break time is granted in proportion to work hours, then break time is not automatically calculated for outside work hours that were entered additionally. Therefore, hours excluding break time must be entered or break time must be added separately.
      • If Early Clock-out is used according to the work arrangement settings, then clocking-out before the general work hours are filled will be recorded as Early Clock-out.
        • If the work arrangement is Clock-in/out at a Fixed Time and a time unit absence or afternoon half day off is used, then the status of early clock-out is not recorded.
        • If an employee enables clock-out notifications in the Set Notifications menu and does not clock out until the set time, then they will receive a notification.
      • If the work result request form is automatically integrated when the clock-out ([OFF]) button is clicked, then the option to choose whether the work result request form should be used is provided if base work hours within the settlement period have been exceeded when using Flexible Clock-in/out work arrangement.
        • When the base work hours are exceeded within the settlement period and the work result request is not approved, even if the clock-in/out times are recorded, they will not be recognized as work hours.
        • The connection time of the work result request form may vary, depending on the selection status of Include Absence Hours during the base work hours set in work arrangement settings. (See Manage Work Arrangement)

      Reset Today's Clock-in Time

      You can reset the clock-in record of that day when clocking out, so that you can redo the clock-in check.

      The following describes how to reset today's clock-in time.

      • When checking clock-out, click the [Reset] button from the View Details pop-up window. When you run the reset, the entered clock-in time is reset. However, you can't reset it in the following cases (including non-display of the [Reset] button).
        • If the work result request form has been filled out for that day
        • If the employee's work arrangement is set to Consider as having worked during entered hours even if clock-in/out times are missing
        • If time change is set to Not allow when setting the work arrangement
      • To reset both clock-in/out times, reset them from the My Board > Manage Attendance > Clock-in/out Status menu.

      When you reset the clock-in/out information, then absence hours registered for that date are also reset. If you don't enter the clock-in/out times after resetting them, they won't be reflected to work hours.

      Edit Home

      You can set widgets to be displayed in WORKPLACE Home. You can also change the order of displayed widgets.

      • Users can't change the settings to disable display of items set by the WORKPLACE admin as Use or Required from the Admin > Site Theme > Manage Home Widget menu. (See Manage Home Widgets) Items set by the admin as Not required can be added to or deleted from Home individually by the user.
      • Edit Home is not provided for business accounts and part-time employees.
      • Provided widgets may differ depending on WORKPLACE services being used or granted permissions.

      The Edit Home page is laid out as follows.


      ① Area for widgets to be added to HomeIt displays widgets to be added to Home
    • When new permissions are added, applicable widgets are displayed
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: Click to display in Home (See Add Widget)
    • ② Area for widgets displayed in HomeIt displays the list of widgets displayed in Home (See Detailed Descriptions of Widgets)
    • workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko: Click to delete from Home. (See Delete Widget) When deleting, it is added to the① area and can be added back to Home
    • [Larger]: Click to display a larger widget [Smaller]: Click to display a smaller widget
    • Change the display order by drag and drop with the mouse
    • Add Widget

      The following describes how to add widgets to the Home page.

      1. Click the [Edit Home] button in the Home page of the WORKPLACE PC Web.
      2. Click workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko of the widget you want to add.
      3. Click the [Save] button.
        • Added widgets are reflected in Home.

      Delete Widget

      The following describes how to delete widgets from the Home page.

      1. Click the [Edit Home] button in the Home page of the WORKPLACE PC Web.
      2. Click workplace-pc-screen_Search_employee_ko of the widget you want to delete.
        • You must display at least one widget in Home.
      3. Click the [Save] button.
        • Deleted widgets are excluded from Home.


      Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
      First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
      Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
      Enter a valid email
      Enter a valid password
      Your profile has been successfully updated.