Setting ALB Ingress Controller
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    Setting ALB Ingress Controller

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    You can route traffic by connecting Kubernetes Ingress with Load Balancer through ALB Ingress Controller.

    When Ingress is created in the Kubernetes system, the ALB Ingress Controller uses the values set at ingress to create a load balancer instance. When an instance is created, the Ingress rule uses the set service's node port as the port value to create a target group and register it to the instance.


    If you configure the load balancer of NAVER Cloud Platform created in Kubernetes through the console and API rather than the Kubernetes' Ingress resource, problems may occur in status synchronization. Change of settings for the created load balancer must be done by editing the Ingress resources created in Kubernetes.

    Install ALB Ingress Controller

    The following describes how to install the ALB Ingress Controller in the cluster and prepare it.

    1. Install the ALB Ingress Controller by executing the command corresponding to the following region.

      • alb-ingress-controller is created in the kube-system namespace, and necessary ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, and IngressClass are created together.
      • South Korea

        kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBE_CONFIG apply -f
        • If the version is older than Kubernetes 1.19, install
      • Singapore

        kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBE_CONFIG apply -f
        • If the version is older than Kubernetes 1.19, install
      • Japan

        kubectl --kubeconfig=$KUBE_CONFIG apply -f
        • If the version is older than Kubernetes 1.19, install
    2. Add the spec.ingressClassName: alb field to the resources of Ingress.

      • If the version is older than Kubernetes 1.19, add the alb annotation.

    ALB Ingress Controller setting and annotation

    Default ALB Ingress Controller setting

    The following describes the default setting of the ALB Ingress Controller.

    • Service type: NodePort
      All servers to be exposed through Ingress should be created as NodePort type.
    • Default Rule
      The Default Rule is applied when there is no matching rule, and it can be set in spec.defaultBackend.
      You can't configure rule and use-annotation separately, and a default target group set to Port 80 will be created if not set.
    • Rule Priority
      Priority is determined according to the order of rules defined in Ingress. The topmost rule's priority will be set to 1.

    ALB Ingress Controller annotation

    You can use annotations in Kubernetes Ingresses and service objects to change settings.

    Use the required annotations while referring to the table below. All annotations of the ALB Ingress Controller start with

    AnnotationDefaultApplicable resourceDescription[{"HTTP":80}] ([{"HTTPS":443}] if a certificate number is set)IngressListener's protocol and port configuration list.
    Available protocol: HTTP, HTTPS Created By NKSIngressLoad balancer memo certificate number of the Certificate Manager to be applied to the listener of which the protocol is HTTPS. Multiple certificates can be registered using a comma as a separator.
    (You can check the certificate number in Resource Manager's nrn.)
    (e.g., nrn:PUB:CertificateManager::000:Certificate/External/${certificateNo}) Protocol version
    - Configurable versions and values
    TLS v1.0: TLSV10
    TLS v1.1: TLSV11
    TLS v1.2: TLSV12 HTTP/2 of the listener with HTTPS protocol is enabled cipher suites supported by the listenerIngressThe list of cipher suites supported by the listener
    (e.g., ["TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"]) balancer's load processing performance settings
    Configurable values: small, medium, large balancer's idle timeout settings the network type for the load balancer (use only when creating)
    Private: private, public: public IP instance number to preserve public IP when returning a load balancer configmap(ncloud-config)'s lbSubnetNo valueIngressID of the dedicated subnet for creating load balancers (only used at creation)${actionName}N/AIngressSettings to use features of listener rules (see the explanation below)${conditionName}N/AIngressSettings for applying additional conditions to the Ingress rule's host and path conditions (see the explanation below) log collection settings (need to apply for a subscription for the Cloud Log Analytics product) name of the load balancer (applied only on creation)
    Naming convention: 3 to 30 characters in length; only English letters/numbers/'-' are allowed; start with an English letter Redirect target port setting, ServiceTarget group's load balancing algorithm settings
    Configurable values: round-robin, least-connection, source-ip-hash, ServiceHealth check failure threshold, ServiceHealth check success threshold portIngress, ServiceHealth check port'/'Ingress, ServiceHealth check URL path, ServiceHealth check interval (seconds), ServiceHealth check protocol
    HTTP, HTTPS, ServiceTarget group protocol
    HTTP, HTTPS, ServiceTarget group's sticky session settings
    •${actionName}: additional functions of the Listener Rule can be set by writing a string in the JSON format according to the actions model. Set the of the rule set to the Ingress you want to use as ${actionName} and set as use-annotation to have the annotation applied.
    typestringDefine the type of action
    Configurable values: targetGroup, redirection
    targetGroupobjectUse when an action's type is set to targetGroup
    targetGroup.targetGroupsarrayList of services to deliver traffic
    targetGroup.targetGroups[n].serviceNamestringservice name
    targetGroup.targetGroups[n].servicePortnumberservice port
    targetGroup.enableStickySessionbooleanSticky session activation status
    Default value: false
    redirectionobjectUse when an action's type is set to redirection
    redirection.hoststringDefault value: #{host}
    redirection.pathstringDefault value: #{path}
    redirection.querystringDefault value: #{query}
    redirection.portstringRedirection port
    Default value: #{port}
    redirection.protocolstringConfigurable protocols: HTTP, HTTPS
    Default value: #{protocol}
    redirection.statusCodenumberConfigurable codes: 301, 302
    •${conditionName}: in addition to the Host and Path conditions defined in Ingress, other conditions can be additionally set by writing a string in the JSON format according to the conditions model. These conditions will be applied to the service with the serviceName that matches the ${conditionName} in the Ingress rule.
    fieldstringDefine conditions to add
    Configurable values: hostHeader, pathPattern
    hostHeaderobjectUse when the condition's field is set to hostHeader
    hostHeader.valuesarrayHost list
    hostHeader.values[n]stringHost value
    pathPatternobjectUse when the condition's field is set to pathPattern
    pathPattern.valuesarrayPath list
    pathPattern.values[n]stringPath value

    Example code

    For more detailed example of ALB Ingress Controller, see ALB Ingress Controller examples.

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