Source DB and Target DB connection settings
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    Source DB and Target DB connection settings

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Check the settings of the Source DB and Target DB, and set connection information for database connection before migration. Select which of the following cases is suitable for the situation you want to migrate and check how to set it up.


    Proceed with the following preparations in order before connecting Source DB and Target DB.

    1. Create Target DB in a VPC where Source DB is created in NAVER Cloud Platform.

      • Target DB should have the same type of DBMS as Source DB.
      • The same DBMS major version as the source DB is recommended.
      • For more information about how to create Target DB, see Getting started with Cloud DB for MySQL.
    2. Check the binary log settings of Source DB for Source DB replication.

      • Required field: binary log activation
        • Check whether the log_bin value is displayed as ON
        • server_id value assignment
      • Recommendations: set the binary log storage period as more than 5 days
        • Set the value of the settings variable expire_logs_days or binlog_expire_logs_seconds
        • If the binary log storage period is shorter than the time elapsed for migration, the following error messages will be displayed when performing replication. In this case, you need to delete and recreate the migration after changing the source DB settings.
          Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Could not find first log file name in binary log index file'
    3. Check the Character Set/Collation and Definer account in the Source DB.

      • Cloud DB for MySQL supports [utf8, utf8mb4, euckr] Character Set only. If other settings are set on the source DB, proceed after changing them.
      • Check if the collation used in the Source DB is also supported by the Target DB.
        For example, the versions before 8.0 do not support the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci.
      • The Definer account used on the source DB must be registered in Cloud DB for MySQL with the same account name and allowed host name in order to proceed with migration.
      • Source DB Character Set check query
      SELECT character_set_name
      FROM information_schema.TABLES T, information_schema.COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY CCSA
      WHERE CCSA.collation_name = T.table_collation AND TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys' ) AND CCSA.character_set_name NOT IN ( 'utf8', 'utf8mb4', 'euckr' ); 
      FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA T
      WHERE SCHEMA_NAME NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys' ) AND DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME NOT IN ( 'utf8', 'utf8mb4', 'euckr');
      • Source DB Collation check query
      SELECT DISTINCT (table_collation) as table_collate FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys'); 
      SELECT DISTINCT (COLLATION_CONNECTION) as table_collate FROM information_schema.views WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys'); 
      SELECT DISTINCT (COLLATION_CONNECTION) as table_collate FROM information_schema.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys'); 
      SELECT DISTINCT (DATABASE_COLLATION) as table_collate FROM information_schema.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys'); 
      SELECT DISTINCT (COLLATION_CONNECTION) as table_collate FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys');
      SELECT DISTINCT (DATABASE_COLLATION) as table_collate FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys');
      SELECT DISTINCT (DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME) as table_collate FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys');
      • Source DB Definer account check query
      SELECT DEFINER FROM information_schema.ROUTINES
      WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys' ) AND SECURITY_TYPE = 'DEFINER';
      SELECT DEFINER FROM information_schema.VIEWS
      WHERE table_schema NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys' ) AND SECURITY_TYPE = 'DEFINER' ;
    4. (When migrating from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0) check the sql_mode.

      • The sql_mode='NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' setting, which is supported by MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.1.7 and later versions as the default value, is not supported starting with MySQL 8.0.
      • If the relevant settings are applied to the Source DB, please see the following and take proper actions and then proceed to the migration.
      • sql_mode settings check query
      FROM information_schema.routines
      WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('sys','mysql');
      FROM information_schema.triggers
      WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA NOT IN ('sys','mysql');
      SELECT @@sql_mode ; 
      • How to take actions for issues of compatibility with sql_mode
       - Source DB > In [DB Config management], set to remove the sql_mode='NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER'
       - Source DB > Delete the Procedure, Function, and Trigger and then re-create  
       1. Create the sql files with the phrases of drop and create only for the Procedure, Function, and Trigger
          $ mysqldump -u {user name} -p -h {Source DB host name} --set-gtid-purged=OFF --routines --triggers  --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --add-drop-trigger {user DB} > backup.sql
       2. Within the backup.sql file, remove all the phrases of NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER
       3. Apply
          $ mysql -u {user name} -p -h {Source DB host name} {user DB} < backup.sql          

    Migration in the same VPC

    The following describes how to set connection information if the source DB exists in a VPC in NAVER Cloud Platform and the target DB is created in the same VPC.
    Proceed with the following steps in order.

    1. Setting Target DB connection

    Set the ACG’s Outbound rules applied to the target DB server to allow access from the target DB to the source DB.


    The following describes only the details required for setting a connection. For more information about ACG settings, see ACG in the server user guide.

    To set ACG rules, follow these steps:

    1. Check ACG applied to the target DB server in the details on the target DB.
    2. Go to the ACG page by clicking i-dms-window in the ACG field.
    3. Click the ACG applied to the target DB and then click the [Set ACG] button.
    4. Click the [Outbound] tab.
    5. Enter the following rules, and then click the [Add] button.
      • Protocol: select TCP
      • Destination: enter the IP address range of a subnet where the source DB is created (<example>
      • Allowed port: input source DB access port
    6. Click the [Apply] button.

    2. Setting Source DB connection

    You need to set the source DB connection information. Set the ACG rules and ACL applied to the source DB.

    Set ACG on the Source DB server

    • You should set the firewall for the source DB server (ACG)

    • for access from the target DB.
      Edit ACG’s inbound rules applied to the source DB server to allow the following traffic. (See ACG.)

      • Protocol: TCP
      • Access source: IP address range of a subnet where the target DB is created (<example>
      • Allowed port: target DB access port
    • For the following case, set the outbound to the source DB.

      • NAVER Cloud Platform servers for which the source DB uses NACL policy, not ACG
      • For servers other than NAVER Cloud Platform server
    • As ACG follows stateful, it does not require setting the outbound separately.
    • However, as the network ACL follows stateless, you need to set the outbound.

    Creating a source DB account and setting ACL

    Create the following account and add it to ACL to connect the source DB and the target DB. (See Manage DB user.)

    Migration to the target DB in Public Subnet

    The following describes how to set connection information if the source DB and the target DB have different domains and the target DB is created on a public subnet.
    Proceed with the following steps in order.

    1. Setting Target DB connection

    Set the ACG’s Outbound rules applied to the target DB server to allow access from the target DB to the source DB.


    The following describes only the details required for setting a connection. For more information about ACG settings, see ACG in the server user guide.

    To set ACG rules, follow these steps:

    1. Check ACG applied to the target DB server in the details on the target DB.
    2. Go to the ACG page by clicking i-dms-window in the ACG field.
    3. Click the ACG applied to the target DB and then click the [Set ACG] button.
    4. Click the [Outbound] tab.
    5. Enter the following rules, and then click the [Add] button.
      • Protocol: select TCP
      • Destination: enter the public domain IP address on the source DB (<example>
      • Allowed port: input source DB access port
    6. Click the [Apply] button.

    2. Setting Source DB connection

    You need to set the source DB connection information. Set the ACG rules and ACL applied to the source DB.

    Set ACG on the Source DB server

    • You should set the firewall for the source DB server (ACG) for access from the target DB. Edit ACG’s inbound rules applied to the source DB server to allow the following traffic.

      • Protocol: TCP
      • Access source: public domain IP address allocated to target DB (<example>
      • Allowed port: target DB access port
    • For the following case, set the outbound to the source DB.

      • NAVER Cloud Platform servers for which the source DB uses NACL policy, not ACG
      • For servers other than NAVER Cloud Platform server
    • As ACG follows stateful, it does not require setting the outbound separately.
    • However, as the network ACL follows stateless, you need to set the outbound.

    Creating a source DB account and setting ACL

    Create the following account and add it to ACL to connect the source DB and the target DB.

    Migration to the target DB in Private Subnet/Public Subnet

    The following describes how to set connection information if the source DB and the target DB have different domains and the target DB is created on a private subnet.
    Even if the target DB is created as Public Subnet, it is possible to proceed with the following method.
    Proceed with the following steps in order.

    1. Setting Target DB connection

    Set the target DB connection information. Proceed with the following steps in order.

    1. Create NAT Gateway

    Create a NAT Gateway to connect the target DB server.


    The following describes only the details required for setting a connection. For more information about creating a NAT Gateway, see Create NAT Gateway in the VPC user guide.

    To create a NAT gateway, follow these steps:

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Networking > VPC in order.
    2. Click the Subnet Management menu.
    3. Click the [Create Subnet] button.
    4. Create a subnet for Public NatGateway.
    5. Click the NAT Gateway menu.
    6. Click the [Create NAT Gateway] button.
    7. Create a Public NAT Gateway.
      Enter the NAT Gateway name and then select VPC and Subnet where the target DB is created.
    8. Click the [Create] button.
    9. Check the IP address of the NAT Gateway created.

    2. Connect route table

    Create the route table and add NAT Gateway to the routing rules. Apply the route table to the subnet where the target DB exists.


    The following describes only the details required for setting a connection. For more information about route tables, see Route Table in the VPC user guide.

    To apply a route table, follow these steps:

    1. From the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Networking > VPC in order.
    2. Click the Route table menu.
    3. Click the [Create route table] button.
    4. Enter the route table name and select VPC and Subnet support types.
      • VPC: select a VPC where the target DB is created
      • Supported subnet type:
        • Select public with Public NatGateway if the Target DB is Private Subnet
        • Select public if Target DB is Public Subnet
    5. Click the [Create] button.
    6. Click the route table created and then click the [Set route] button.
    7. Enter the following information and then click the [Create] button.
      • Destination: enter the public domain IP address assigned to the source DB (<example>
      • Target type: select NATGW
      • Target name: select the NAT Gateway created in 1. Create NAT Gateway
    8. Click the [OK] button.
    9. Click Route table and then click the [Set related subnet] button.
    10. Select a subnet where the NatGateway is created in Subnet name and then click the [Create] button.
    11. Click the [OK] button.

    3. Set ACG of the target DB server

    Set the ACG’s Outbound rules applied to the target DB server to allow access from the target DB to the source DB.


    The following describes only the details required for setting a connection. For more information about ACG settings, see ACG in the server user guide.

    To set ACG rules, follow these steps:

    1. Check ACG applied to the target DB server in the details on the target DB.
    2. Go to the ACG page by clicking i-dms-window in the ACG field.
    3. Click the ACG applied to the target DB and then click the [Set ACG] button.
    4. Click the [Outbound] tab.
    5. Enter the following rules, and then click the [Add] button.
      • Protocol: select TCP
      • Destination: enter the public domain IP address on the source DB (<example>
      • Allowed port: input source DB access port
    6. Click the [Apply] button.

    2. Setting Source DB connection

    You need to set the source DB connection information. Set the ACG rules and ACL applied to the source DB.

    Set ACG on the Source DB server

    • You should set the firewall for the source DB server (ACG) for access from the target DB. Edit ACG’s inbound rules applied to the source DB server to allow the following traffic.

      • Protocol: TCP
      • Access source: IP address of NAT Gateway created in 1. Create NAT Gateway
      • Allowed port: target DB access port
    • For the following case, set the outbound to the source DB.

      • NAVER Cloud Platform servers for which the source DB uses NACL policy, not ACG
      • For servers other than NAVER Cloud Platform server
    • As ACG follows stateful, it does not require setting the outbound separately.
    • However, as the network ACL follows stateless, you need to set the outbound.

    Creating a source DB account and setting ACL

    Create the following account and add it to ACL to connect the source DB and the target DB.

    Minimum permissions required for migration

    • Execute the following command if the source DB is in GTID mode.

    [When the Target DB is below 8.0.32 ]

    GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO '[User Name]'@'[HOST IP]';

    [When the Target DB is equal to or higher than 8.0.32 ]

    GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO '[User Name]'@'[HOST IP]';
    • Execute the following command if the source DB is not in GTID mode.
    GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO '[User Name]'@'[HOST IP]';
    • If the source DB is not in GTID mode, the [RELOAD] permission is required for the source DB user. If the policy doesn’t grant the permission, perform migration after changing the source DB to GTID mode.
    • If you want to perform migration in the AWS RDS environment, you need to change to GTID mode and then proceed to migration because of permission policies.
    • The [SHOW_ROUTINE] permission is required for routine dumps since MySQL 8.0.20 version.
    • From the Target DB 8.0.32, the [RELOAD] or [FLUSH_TABLES] permission is additionally required even if the Source DB is in GTID mode. If you have failed to receive the permission because of policies, please perform under Target DB 8.0.32.

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