Database Migration Service overview
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    Database Migration Service overview

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Database Migration Service allows you to migrate databases from on-premise or other cloud environments to NAVER Cloud Platform environment rapidly and safely.

    Database Migration Service features

    Database Migration Service provides the following features.

    • Migration task automation by stage: create migration tasks to automate required tasks for migration by stage
    • Endpoint management feature: can easily create and manage the source DB endpoint
    • Connection test feature: conduct connection tests between source DB and target DB before migration
    • Monitoring migration task history: can view migration task status and history

    About Database Migration Service user guide

    Database Migration Service provides services in the Korea Region. See the following table of contents and their details for best use of Database Migration Service.

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides various related resources as well as a user guide to help customers better understand Database Migration Service. If you're a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while considering adopting Database Migration Service for your company or establishing data-related policies, then please make good use of the following resources.

    Check FAQs first

    You can get your questions answered quickly by referring to the answers in the FAQ before reading the user guide. If you haven't found the answer to your question in the following FAQ, then search the user guide for what you would like to know.

    Q. Can I migrate even if the MySQL versions of the source DB and target DB are different?
    A. It is recommended to migrate between the same major versions but you can use Database Migration Service even if the versions of the source DB and target DB are different. For example, you can migrate from the MySQL 5.7 version to the MySQL 8.0 version. However, the MySQL version that reached EOL can cause compatibility-related error messages during migration.

    Q. Communication between the source DB and target DB servers doesn’t work. What do I need to do?
    A. You need to set the connection information to connect the source DB server and the target DB server before migration. Inspect the inbound ACG policy of the source DB and the outbound ACG policy of the target DB. For details about connection settings by migration scenario, see Source DB and Target DB connection settings.

    Q. I can’t access the source DB even though I tried test connection. What should I check?
    A. You should set the firewall for the source DB server (ACG) for access from the target DB. Edit ACG’s inbound rules applied to the source DB server to allow the following traffic.

    • Protocol: TCP
    • Access source: public domain IP address allocated to target DB (<example>
    • Allowed port: target DB access port

    Q. DB ACL check messages are displayed when I try test connection. What should I check?
    A. For source DB backup and replication, you need target DB access, backup, and replication permissions for the account created in a mysql_native_password format. For more information, see Creating source DB account and setting ACL.

    Q. What DB permissions do I need to add for migration?
    A. Check whether your source DB uses GTID first. For permissions items needed for migration, see Minimum permissions required for migration.

    Q. Is there any setting that I need to apply to the source DB for migration?
    A. Enable the binary log server_id and specify a value. Check whether the log_bin value is displayed as ON. For descriptions of preparations required for Source DB replication, see Preparations.

    Q. How is migration processed if the target DB has the same database name as the source DB?
    A. Migration can’t be processed if the target DB has the same database name as the source DB. Process migration after deleting the redundant database.

    Q. What character set is supported in migration?
    A. utf8, utf8mb4, and euckr are all supported. In the case of different character sets, change the DB and table character set of the source DB before migration.

    Q. Is a definer account that is set in the source DB created automatically during migration?
    A. User accounts are not included in the migration target. Create an account used in the definer at the target DB before migration.

    Q. Are there any MySQL engines that don’t support migration?
    A. MyISAM, BLACKHOLE, FEDERATED, and ARCHIVE engines don’t support migration.

    Q. The error message "Collations unsupported in target DB are included" appeared. Under what circumstances does this message occur?
    A. It is an error message that occurs if the source DB uses the MySQL 8.0 version and the target DB uses 5.7 or an earlier version. "utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci," the default collation supported by the MySQL 8.0 version, is not supported in the 5.7 version. Change collation options in the source DB, such as database, table, view, procedure, and function, before migration.

    Q. Can I migrate MariaDB?
    A. Migration is possible even if the source DB is MariaDB. However, the MariaDB version that reached EOL can cause compatibility-related error messages during migration. If the error still occurs, change the Target DB to MySQL version 5.7 to proceed with the migration, or change the version of the source DB.

    Q. Is there any additional checklist related to the source DB before migration?
    A. You need at least 1 or more databases in the source DB for migration.

    Q. I want to migrate from Source DB MySQL version 5.7 and MariaDB version 10.1 or later to Target DB MySQL version 8.0. Are there any precautions in doing this?
    A. The sql_mode='NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' setting, which is supported by MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.1.7 and later versions as the default value, is not supported starting with MySQL 8.0. If the setting is applied to the source DB, delete it and then perform migration. If you experience this error while importing, delete the migration and then try again. Other than that, you need to check whether there is any compatibility issue between the existing application and MySQL 8.0 before switching services.


    In MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.x, the sql-mode of when a Procedure, Trigger, or Function is created is memorized and displayed when running mysqldump. Therefore, if the migration interruption caused by this error is reproduced even after unsetting sql_mode='NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER', proceed with migration to Target DB MySQL 5.7 version.
    If you want to perform migration from Source DB 5.7 into Target DB 8.0 version, see Preparations.

    Q. All migration steps, including replication, have been completed, but the status is displayed as "migration" in the Cloud DB for MySQL console.
    A. In the migration completed (= replication completed) stage, DB service migration is finally available only when the user clicks the [Complete] button in the console.

    Q. Can I also perform migration for DB Config settings?
    A. Migration for DB Config settings is not supported. Please set them the same as those for the Source DB on the Target DB such as the Character Set/Collation.

    Q. Test connection takes too much time.
    A. If the number of source DB's schemas is large, it may take a few minutes. It is a procedure to check authorization and inspect schemas for the normal operation of migration. As inspections in progress will reset if you refresh, be careful not to refresh.

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