Examples of Velero backup and restoration tests
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    Examples of Velero backup and restoration tests

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    This is an example where you test if the backup and restoration features work properly, based on what was explained in Velero plugin.

    nginx deployment example

    Deploy nginx first so you can execute the backup and restoration test example.

    The following is the example for deploying nginx.

    1. Save the code shown below in the nginx-example.yaml file.
      # nginx-example.yaml
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: nginx-example
          app: nginx
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      apiVersion: v1
        name: nginx-log-pvc
        namespace: nginx-example
          app: nginx
        storageClassName: nks-block-storage
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 10Gi
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: nginx-deploy
        namespace: nginx-example
          app: nginx
        replicas: 1
            app: nginx
              app: nginx
              - name: nginx-logs
                 claimName: nginx-log-pvc
            - image: nks.kr.ncr.ntruss.com/nginx:1.9
              name: nginx
              - containerPort: 80
              - mountPath: "/var/log/nginx"
                name: nginx-logs
                readOnly: false
    2. Run the following command to deploy nginx to the cluster.
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG apply -f nginx-example.yaml
    3. Run the commands below in order to check the pod and forward the port in order to be able to access nginx.
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG get pods --namespace nginx-example
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG --namespace nginx-example port-forward pod/nginx-deploy-749cb5ff64-x8j4w 9191:80
    4. Enter the forwarded port in a browser or use the curl command to access nginx, and check if the page is displayed correctly.

    Example of backup through Velero

    The following is an example where you perform a backup through Velero.

    1. Run the following commands in order to check the logs in the NGINX container, and exit the container.
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG exec -it nginx-deploy-749cb5ff64-x8j4w --namespace nginx-example -- /bin/bash
      nginx-deploy-749cb5ff64-x8j4w:/# cat /var/log/nginx/access.log
      $ exit
    2. Run the following command to create a backup of the current cluster status.
      $ velero --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG backup create nginx-backup --selector app=nginx
      • Save nginx's Kubernetes object in Object Storage, and create a snapshot of the PersistentVolume that you created when deploying nginx.
      • The --selector app=nginx option designates the Velero server to only back up Kubernetes objects that have the app=nginx label set through the Label Selector.

    Example of restoration through Velero

    The following is an example where you perform a restoration using the data backed up by Velero.

    1. Run the following commands in order to delete the nginx-example namespace, and check if it's deleted properly.
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG delete namespace nginx-example
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG get deployments --namespace=nginx-example
    2. Run the command shown below to perform restoration.
    velero --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG restore create --from-backup nginx-backup
    1. Run the following commands individually to check if the restoration was performed properly.
      • Check the status of the restored deployment
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG get deployments --namespace=nginx-example
      • Check if PersistentVolume is created
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG get pvc --namespace=nginx-example
      • Run the following commands in order to check if the log displayed is the same as before restoration.
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG get pods --namespace nginx-example
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG exec -it nginx-deploy-749cb5ff64-x8j4w --namespace nginx-example -- /bin/bash
      $ nginx-deploy-749cb5ff64-x8j4w:/# cat /var/log/nginx/access.log

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