Control cluster permissions
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    Control cluster permissions

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    Available in VPC


    If you use ncp-iam-authenticator to configure kubeconfig, there is no need to control permissions using the service account token.
    For more information, see IAM authentication user management.

    You can control permissions by changing token values in the kubeconfig file so that creation, deletion, and modification can only be done in certain namespaces.

    The default kubeconfig authentication file provided by Ncloud Kubernetes Service has all permissions of the admin, so if the user uses a 3rd-party service such as Jenkins and GitHub Action, security problems may arise. You can prevent this problem by editing the kubeconfig file to limit the permissions to a minimum.

    Change token value in the kubeconfig file

    This example explains how to restrict cluster permissions by changing the token value in the kubeconfig file.

    The following describes how to change the token value in the kubeconfig file.

    1. Run the following commands in order to create a namespace and service account.

      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG create ns hello-world
      $ cat <<EOF | kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG apply -f -
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceAccount
        name: hello-user
        namespace: hello-world
    2. Run the command shown below to add role and role binding, and download the kubeconfig configuration in the kubeconfig.yaml file.

      $ cat <<EOF | kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG apply -f -
      kind: Role
        namespace: hello-world
        name: hello-role
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods"] # Specify the object
        verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"] # Control the action 
      kind: RoleBinding
        namespace: hello-world
        name: hello-rb
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: hello-user
        namespace: hello-world
        kind: Role 
        name: hello-role
      • The permissions to be used are defined by the role's resources and verbs. In the code example above, it is restricted to control only the pod resources in the namespace called hello-world.
    3. Run the command shown below to create a service account secret.

      $ cat <<EOF | kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG apply -f -
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: hello-user-default
        namespace: hello-world

      In Kubernetes 1.24 or later, a default secret is not automatically created when a service account is created. If you are using a 1.24 or later version, you are required to create the relevant secret in Step 3. This step is not necessary in earlier versions where a default secret is automatically created.

    4. Run the command shown below to check the service account token.

      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG -n hello-world describe secret $(kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG -n hello-world get secret | grep hello-user | awk '{print $1}')
    5. Copy the downloaded kubeconfig.yaml file and save it as the kubeconfig-token.yaml file, and then delete the client-certificate-data and client-key-data values in the user part in the file as shown below.

      $ cp kubeconfig.yaml kubeconfig-token.yaml
      $ vi kubeconfig-token.yaml
      apiVersion: v1
      - name: kubernetes-admin
    6. Add the token information obtained in the previous step as the value for the user.

      $ cat kubeconfig-token.yaml
      apiVersion: v1
      - name: kubernetes-admin
          token: eyJhbGciOiJSU... # Add the service account token

    Check permission control

    The following describes how to check if the permission control is working properly when calling Kubernetes API using the token, based on the kubeconfig-token.yaml file created in the process above.

    1. Run the command shown below to declare kubeconfig-token.yaml as an environment variable.

      $ export KUBE_CONFIG_TOKEN=kubeconfig-token.yaml
    2. Run the following commands individually to check if access is granted.

      • Get pod object (access allowed)
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG_TOKEN -n hello-world get pod
      • Get deployment object (access denied)
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG_TOKEN -n hello-world get deploy
      • Get other namespaces (access denied)
      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBE_CONFIG_TOKEN get pod

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