Action management
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    Action management

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic

    On NAVER Cloud Platform console's Cloud Functions > Action, you can edit, delete, and run created actions, and monitor run results through graphs and tables. To access the detailed management screen for a created action, take the following steps:

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Region menu, click and select the Region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click and select Classic.
    3. Click Services > Compute > Cloud Functions in order.
    4. Click the Action menu.
    5. Click the action name from the list.

    Action management screen


    ① OverviewRun, edit, delete actions and view connection information
    ② DetailsView action basic information, triggers, monitoring, and default parameters

    Action overview


    Run an action.


    Edit an action.


    Delete an action.

    Connection information

    Shows all event sources that trigger action runs, grouped by type. Select a type to view detailed connection information for that event source type in the Trigger tab under Details.

    Basic information

    Action's basic information


    Action basic information

    Check basic action information

    • Name: action name
    • Type: types of actions (general/web/sequence/sequence web)
    • Runtime: language and version environment where the action runs
    • Action timeout: maximum time limit for which the action can be run
    • Main function: name of the main function or class being used by the action
    • Action memory: memory available in the action
    • Description: additional information on the action

    Action run order
    Check sequentially run action information for sequence actions or sequence web actions

    • Run order: order of actions run in a sequence action
    • Action name: action's name
    • Runtime: action's runtime information
    • Type: action type


    Event source information that triggers action run



    Add triggers to the action.


    Remove triggers from the action.

    Trigger list

    List of action triggers Click a name to go to the trigger menu or connected service information.

    • Type: trigger type
    • Name: trigger name
    • Event Source: connected service information that triggers the action
    • Update date and time: recent trigger edit date and time

    Detailed event source list

    Check event source connection information for selected trigger types from Connection information in the action overview.



    Action results and details



    • Status: ratio of succeeded and failed actions during the viewing period
    • Number of executions: number of actions succeeded and failed during the viewing period by hour
    • Runtime: average runtime (ms) and maximum runtime (ms) during the viewing period by hour


    • ID: unique ID for action results. Click to check details.
    • Status: whether the action result succeeded or failed
    • Start time: time when the action started (ms)
    • Runtime: time taken to run the action (ms)
    • Enter search keywords with the execution result as the filter to search for the relevant content.
    • You can monitor the action results of all the actions run during the viewing period in Dashboard. For more information on how to use Dashboard, see Dashboard.

    Default parameter

    Check default values for parameters passed to action code.


    Edit actions

    You can edit everything except the name and type of the action. To edit an action, take the following steps:

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Region menu, click and select the Region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click and select Classic.
    3. Click Services > Compute > Cloud Functions in order.
    4. Click the Action menu.
    5. Click the action name from the list.
    6. In Action overview, click [Edit].

    Delete action

    You can delete an action. Proceed carefully as an action cannot be restored once deleted. To delete an action, take the following steps:

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Region menu, click and select the Region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click and select Classic.
    3. Click Services > Compute > Cloud Functions in order.
    4. Click the Action menu.
    5. Click the action name from the list.
    6. In Action overview, click [Delete].

    Run action

    You can run an action. Enter runtime parameters to check if the action works properly. To run an action, take the following steps:

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Region menu, click and select the Region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click and select Classic.
    3. Click Services > Compute > Cloud Functions in order.
    4. Click the Action menu.
    5. Click the action name from the list.
    6. In Action overview, click [Run].
    7. Enter JSON data to pass to the action code in Runtime parameters
    8. To view only the results returned by the action code, enable View result only. When disabled, you can check all activation information. For detailed activation information, see Cloud Functions concepts.



    You can configure log generation for action runs. All actions return a logs field that adds Timestamp information to data output to stdout or stderr in the code. You can check logs in the detailed run history under Dashboard or Action > Action details > Monitoring.


    Add trigger

    You can add triggers that run actions by connecting them to events from other services. To add a trigger, take the following steps:

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Region menu, click and select the Region you're using.
    2. From the Platform menu, click and select Classic.
    3. Click Services > Compute > Cloud Functions in order.
    4. Click the Action menu.
    5. Click the action name from the list.
    6. Click [Add] in the connection information under Action overview or in the trigger tab under Details.
    7. In Connection method, create a new trigger or select an existing one to add.
    8. In Type, select the trigger type to add.
    9. For trigger configuration information, see the trigger guide for each sub-type under the user guide.
    • For API Gateway triggers, you can only create new ones.
    • API Gateway trigger types are determined by action type and cannot be changed.
      • HTTP type: web action, sequence web action
      • Webhook type: basic action, sequence action

    Remove trigger

    Disconnect actions from other service events by removing their triggers. To remove a trigger, take the following steps:

    1. From NAVER Cloud Platform console's Region menu, click and select the Region you're using.
    • HTTP type: web action, sequence web action
    1. From the Platform menu, click and select Classic.
    2. Click Services > Compute > Cloud Functions in order.
    3. Click the Action menu.
    4. Click the action name from the list.
    5. In the trigger tab under Details, select the trigger to remove and click [Remove].
    6. Click [OK] to disconnect.

    Triggers with no connected actions may be deleted.

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