Create and manage sub accounts
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    Create and manage sub accounts

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    This section describes how to create and manage sub accounts, how to assign policies to sub accounts, and how to create and manage groups.

    Dashboard screen

    In the Dashboard, you can change the access-related settings for sub accounts, and check the number of created sub accounts, groups, and policies.

    Sub account login page access keyAccess key to the sub account login page. You can edit or delete the login page access key at any time
    Sub account login addressURL to access with the sub account. Sub accounts can only be accessed through their URL. The main account administrator should provide the sub account login page to the sub account users.
    Set valid session expiration timeSet valid session expiration time for sub accounts. You can choose an expiration time for valid sessions from 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 3 hours, and if there is no activity during the set time for the sub account, the user will be automatically logged out
    Set password expirationSet a forced expiration date for sub account’s password. The forced expiration date can be selected from 60, 90, 120, and 180 days, and if the sub account continues to use the same password after the set expiration date, then the console can't be used until the password is changed
    ResourceCheck the number of sub accounts, groups, policies, and roles assigned to the account

    Create sub account

    You can create sub accounts as follows:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account in order.
    2. In the Sub Accounts menu, click [Create sub account].
    3. Enter the sub account information.
      • Login ID: enter the ID to use when logging in
      • User name: enter the name of the user who will use the sub account
      • Email: enter your email address
      • Access permission
        • Console access: set the degree of console access permissions for sub accounts
          • Accessible from anywhere: access is available without any additional IP restrictions
          • Accessible only from a designated IP range: you can restrict the IP range of a sub account's console access. You can register up to 100 IP ranges, including a single IP or subnet
        • API Gateway access: set whether to allow access to the API Gateway. If allowed, the created sub account can manage the Access Key and use it to access the API Gateway
          • Accessible from all Sources: accessible without separate IP/VPC Server restrictions
          • Accessible only from designated Sources: you can restrict the access sources for a sub account's API access
            • IP: can be registered as an IP range, including a single IP or Subnet
            • VPC: VPC currently in use can be registered
            • VPC Server: you can register a server within the currently used VPC
      • Two-factor authentication option: set whether a two-factor authentication method is required for sub accounts
      • Memo: brief description of the sub account
      • Inform password reset: set to require a password change on first login to the sub account by prompting you to visit the password settings page. If you do not change your password after your initial login, you will be directed to the password settings page every time you log in
    4. Enter your login password and click the [Create] button.
    • You can create up to 500 sub accounts.
    • You can manage your own Access Key in the Portal > My page > Manage authentication key menu for sub accounts.
    • Set the two-factor authentication information when you first log in to the sub account. You can also edit it in My page > Account management > Two-factor authentication management on the portal.

    Apply policies to sub accounts

    A policy defines the permissions that the users logged in as sub account can work on.

    The following describes how to apply policies to sub accounts.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Accounts in order.
    2. Click on the sub account name to access the sub account details page.
    3. Click the [Add individual permission] button in the Policy tab.
      • To apply a policy that allows all operations on the sub account, click the [Add all permissions] button.
    4. When the Add policy window appears, select the policy to assign to the account.
      • You can select multiple policies.
      • You can search for a policy in the search field at the top right corner of the page.
    5. After selecting the policy to assign to the sub account, click the [Add] button.
    6. Check if the policy has been successfully added.
    7. To add a group, click the [Add] button on the [Group] tab.

    Manage sub account

    You can edit or delete sub account information, delete multiple sub accounts at once, and suspend or unsuspend them. If you have Sub Account permissions, you can also log in as a sub account and create a new sub account.

    View sub account details

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Accounts in order.

    2. Click the login ID.

    3. Check the details of the sub account.

      IDAutomatically assigned ID when creating a sub account
      NRNNcloud Resource Names. Resource name
      Login IDSub account login ID
      User nameSub account user's name
      StatusSub account status
      - In use: available for login and service use
      - Suspended: temporarily suspended
      EmailUser's email address
      Creation date and timeDate and time when the sub account was created
      Last access date and timeDate and time when the sub account last logged in
      Access permissionConsole access and API Gateway access settings
      Login passwordThe login password is not displayed. Click the [Change password] button to change the password
      Two-factor authentication optionWhether two-factor authentication is mandatory for sub accounts
      Two-factor authentication usage statusWhether to use two-factor authentication for sub accounts If you click the [Reset] button after completing two-factor authentication, the sub-account user must perform two-factor authentication again
      Number of days using the Access KeyNumber of days of use for the oldest Access Key
      Number of days using the passwordInformation on the total cumulative days used without changing the sub account password. This can help with periodic password changes.
      NotesA brief description of the sub account
      TagAssign tag keys/values to easily categorize sub accounts
      - View, create, edit and delete tags with [Tag management]
      - Only one tag can be assigned to each tag
      - When adding a tag value to the previously registered tag key, update newly entered tag value
    4. Check the [Policy] tab, [Group] tab, and [Access Key] tab at the bottom of the details page.

      • [Policy] tab: you can assign or withdraw a policy to a sub account
      • [Group] tab: you can add or remove a sub account as a member of a group
      • [Access key] tab: a tab that is enabled only for sub accounts with access type API Gateway Access included. You can add, delete, use, and suspend Access Key IDs for the use of API Gateway

    Edit sub account

    The following describes how to edit the sub account information.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Accounts in order.
    2. Click the login ID.
    3. Click [Edit] from the top of the Sub account details page.
    4. Edit the information, and then click [Edit].
      • The login ID cannot be edited.

    Delete sub account

    The following describes how to delete a sub account.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Accounts in order.
    2. Click the login ID.
    3. Click the [Delete] button from the top of the sub account details page.
    4. Click the [Delete] button once the delete window appears.

    Disable sub account

    The suspend feature puts the account in a state in which NAVER Cloud Platform services cannot be used.

    The following describes how to suspend a sub account.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Sub Accounts in order.
    2. Click the login ID.
    3. Click the [Disable] button from the top of the Sub account details page.
    4. When the suspend window appears, click the [Disable] button.
      • Suspended sub accounts show their Status as Suspended.

    The suspended sub account has the [Enable] button activated. You can activate the status of a suspended sub account again by clicking the [Enable] button.

    Set access restrictions for sub accounts

    To prevent console access from unauthorized locations, you can set it to be available only within specific IP ranges, and you can limit the resources that can be used by sub accounts.

    The following describes how to restrict console access to specific IP ranges.

    1. Access with the sub account's details.
    2. Click the [View/change accessible IP range] button in the access type field.
    3. Select Accessible only within a designated IP range, and enter the IP, and then click the [Add] button.
      • Clicking the [MyIp] button will automatically add your current IP range.
    4. Click [Edit].

    The following describes how to set up an accessible source.

    1. Access with the sub account's details.
    2. Click the [View/change accessible source] button in the access type field.
    3. Select Accessible only from designated Source, and then click the [Add] button.
    4. Select the resources to grant access.
      • IP: can be registered as an IP range, including a single IP or Subnet
      • VPC: VPC currently in use can be registered
      • VPC Server: you can register a server within the currently used VPC
    5. Click [Apply].
    6. Click [Edit].
    • If only IP is specified as the accessible source, API access in VPC Server is not allowed.
    • If you select VPC as an accessible source, APIs in the subordinate VPC server become accessible.
    • Object Storage and Archive Storage are not subject to the API Access control through the Sub Account service.

    Manage groups

    You can group frequently used sub accounts together. You can create, edit, and delete groups or add/delete sub accounts or policies to a group.

    Create groups

    The following describes how to create a group and add sub accounts and policies to the group.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Groups in order.
    2. Click [Create groups].
    3. When the group creation window appears, enter the group name and click the [Create] button.
      • The group name can be changed.
    4. Once the group is created, click the [Add] button in the [Sub accounts] tab.
    5. Select the sub account to set as the group and click the [Add] button.
    6. Click the [Add individual permission] button in the [Policy] tab.
    7. Once the Add policy window appears, select the policy you want to add to the group and click the [Add] button.
      • To grant all permissions at once, click the [Add all permissions] button.
    • You can create up to 300 groups.
    • The maximum number of groups that can be assigned to each sub account is 10.

    View group details

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Groups in order.

    2. Click the group name.

    3. Check group's details.

      IDAutomatically assigned ID upon creation
      NRNNcloud Resource Names. Resource name
      Creation date and timeGroup creation date
      Modification dateGroup modification date
      Group nameGroup name
      TagAssign tag keys/values to easily distinguish
      - View, create, edit and delete tags with [Tag management]
      - Only one tag can be assigned to each tag
      - When adding a tag value to the previously registered tag key
    4. Check the [Sub account] and [Policy] tabs at the bottom of the details page.

    • [Sub account] tab: you can add or remove a sub account to be included in a group
    • [Policy] tab: you can add or remove a policy to be applied to a group

    Edit group name

    The following describes how to edit a group name.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Groups in order.
    2. Click subaccount-use_icon01 > Edit to the right of the group name to be edited in the group list.
    3. Edit the group name, and then click the [Edit] button.

    Delete groups

    The following describes how to delete a group.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click Services > Management & Governance > Sub Account > Groups in order.
    2. Click subaccount-use_icon01 > Delete to the right of the group name to be edited in the group list.
    3. Click the [Delete] button once the delete window appears.
    • Even if you delete a group, the sub accounts and policies that are included in the group are not deleted.
    • In the case of a sub account included in a group the deleted group will be removed from the list in the Details > Group tab of the sub account.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
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