My Products
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    My Products

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    My Products menu can manage multiple APIs by grouping them into a product, define REST API as well as related resources and methods, and set its authentication method. It can post API and identify user applications or limit usage amount with the API key using the product.

    My Products screen

    The basics of My Products menu for using API Gateway are as follows.

    ① Menu nameName of the menu currently being viewed, number of products in operation
    ② Basic featuresCreate Product, check API Gateway details, My Products screen refresh
    ③ Post-creation functionsEdit or Delete a product in operation
    ④ Product listLists products in operation and checks information
    ⑤ Search bar and filterCheck products corresponding to certain conditions through product search and filter functions on the list

    Check product list

    You can view product-specific information in the list of products you've created and are running.


    For more information on how to create a product, see Getting started with API Gateway.

    To check created product information, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. When the Product list is displayed, check summarized information or click a product to check details.
      • Product ID: unique ID of a product that is automatically set during product creation
      • Product name: name of a product set during product creation
      • Description: description of a product set during product creation
      • Subscription type: API subscription type set during product creation
      • Status: displays API post status
      • Catalog: checks the overview and manual (Swagger) of the posted API
      • Post: click i-apigateway-publish to move to the Post API page
      • API Keys: status of API Key connected to Product by status. Clicki-apigateway-apikeys to move to API key confirmation, addition, status change, Usage Plan confirmation, and edit screen
      • APIs: APIs list and status created in Product. Clicki-apigateway-apis to move to the API management screen
        • API name: click the API name to go to the API management screen
        • Defined method: number of methods designated for each API
        • Stage document: click a stage name to go to API manual (Swagger) screen

    Edit Product

    To edit a product, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click the checkbox of the product to edit from the Product list, and click [Edit].
    4. Edit product information from the Edit Product screen, and click [Edit Product].
      • Name: display the name of product
      • Description: edit and enter the description of the product
      • Subscription type: select the product subscription type
        • Public - voluntary subscription: anyone can use the product's API
        • Protected - authorization required: publisher's approval is required to use the product's API
    5. From the Edit Product popup window, click [OK].

    Delete Product

    To delete a product, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click the product to delete from the Product list, and click [Delete].
    4. Check the information on the Delete popup window, enter the authorizer name to delete in Name, and click [Delete].

    Register API

    Create and manage API to manage related resources and methods. Furthermore, API users can manage defined API details and overview for reference, and can operate different versions of the same API in stages. You can build settings including cache use, throttling policy, and IP ACL to stabilize backend service.

    Create API

    You can create multiple APIs on a created product.

    To create an API, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.

    2. Click the My Products menu.

    3. In the Product list, click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the product you want to create resources for.

    4. On the API list screen, click [Create API].

    5. Select the creation method in Create API item of API creation screen.

    6. Enter setting information according to how to create APIs.

      • If the API creation method is selected as New API, set the following items:
        • API name: name the API to be created. API name is included in the call URL path of API Gateway
        • Description: enter the description of API to be created
      • If API creation method is selected as Copy API, set the following items:
        • API name: name the API to be created. API name is included in the call URL path of API Gateway
        • Description: enter the description of API to be created
        • Copy API: select the product with API to copy, and then the API to copy
      • If the API creation method is selected as import from Swagger, set the following items:
        • API name: name the API to be created. API name is included in the call URL path of API Gateway
        • Description: enter the description of API to be created
        • Import from Swagger area
          • [Swagger] tab: imports a Swagger file saved externally to create an API
            • Drop files here or click to upload.: drag a Swagger file saved externally or click the area to select a Swagger file from the search bar
            • Warning failure: if an error or warning occurs during Swagger file import, import is canceled
            • Ignore warning: Swagger file is imported regardless of error or warning
          • [Preview] tab: preview of the Swagger setting status
      • If API creation method is selected as API examples, set the following items:
        • API name: name the example API to create. API name is included in the call URL path of API Gateway
        • Description: enter the description of the example API to be created
        • APIs examples: displays details of the example API to be created
    7. Click [Create API]. If Create API method is set as Copy API, click [Copy API].

    8. Click [OK] on the Create API Success popup window.

    The following are the descriptions for the API list screen after creating an API.

    ① API nameList of APIs that have been created in the product. Clicking it displays available functions and details on the screen right.
    ② Edit, deploy, or delete APIsEdit API descriptions, deploy APIs to the stage, and delete APIs
    StagesCreate and manage stages
    Gateway responsesDefine the gateway response that occurred in the API Gateway. To apply changes, the API must be deployed
    ModelsDefine the body model of request and response. To apply changes after editing, the API must be deployed
    OverviewCompose an overview of API manual

    Edit API

    To edit the API description, follow these steps:.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. In the Product list, click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the Product whose API you want to edit.
    3. Click the API to edit from the API list.
    4. Click the [Edit] button.
    5. Add or edit contents of the Description item of the Edit API screen, and click [Save].

    Delete API

    To delete an API, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. In the Product list, click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the Product whose API you want to delete.
    3. Click the API to delete from the API list.
    4. Click the [Delete] button.
    5. Enter the API name to delete in the Delete popup window, and click [Delete].

    Manage Resource

    Create and manage resources required to use API.

    The following describes [Resources] menus.

    Create resourceCreate a new resource in the API
    View resourceSet the enabling status of the resource CORS
    Delete resourceDelete a resource that is unnecessary
    Import APIImport a Swagger file to create a resource (see Import API)
    ⑤ Root resource pathRoot resource created by default during the API creation (displayed as /)
    ⑥ Resource name (path)API URL path set during the resource creation
    ⑦ MethodMethod added to the resource with the method creation function
    ⑧ OPTIONS methodMethod automatically created after enabling CORS (see Step 7 of Create resource or Set CORS of the resource)
    Create methodCreate a method on the resource
    • Supported methods: ANY, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, HEAD
    ⑩ Method listList of methods (in a card view) added to a resource. See the settings information of the resource

    Create resource

    To create resources, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.

    2. Click the My Products menu.

    3. In the Product list, click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the product you want to create a resource for.

      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the API list, click the API you want to create a resource for.

    5. Click [Resources].

    6. Click [Create resource].

      • To add a sub-resource to an existing resource, select the corresponding resource, and click [Create resource].
      • If an existing resource path includes +, such as {variable+}, which indicates a sub-resource is present, a sub-resource cannot be created.
    7. Enter information in the resource creation item displayed on the right side of the Resource list, and click [Create].

      • Resource path: enter values to use as the API URL path

        • Use parentheses to designate a resource as a path variable.
          • <example 1> {variable}: use as variable of current path
          • <example 2> {variable+}: use as variable of path including sub-resource
        • Path variable can be used as a parameter of the endpoint path.

        If Cloud Functions' Web Action is used as an endpoint, {type} variable is processed as a reserved word.

    {type} variable is a reserved word for defining content extensions of web actions in Cloud Functions.
    Therefore, if {type} variable exists in an API resource that uses Cloud Functions' Web Action as an endpoint, the value is used for the extension variable {type} of the Cloud Functions, and if there is no definition of the variable, the variable is processed as an empty value.

    • Enable CORS: select CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) enable status. Additional items must be set if Enable is selected.

      • Access-Control-Allow-Method: set methods to allow during client request (resource access)
      • Access-Control-Allow-Headers: set headers to allow during client request (resource access)
      • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: allow all domains (*), or allow selective client requests (resource access)
      • Access-Control-Expose-Headers: user-defined header available to be included in client request (resource access)
      • Access-Control-Max-Age: retention period of client preflight request results. During this period, preflight request is not made again
      • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: set response exposure status when the credential mode (Request.credentials) of client request (resource access) is set to include. Set to true (unique value) if needed, and no header input if not needed
    1. Check whether the created resource is displayed in the Resource list of the [Resources].

      • If Enable CORS item is enabled, an OPTIONS Method is created to process a CORS request at API Gateway, and it is displayed on API CORS corresponding Resource List. However, OPTIONS Method cannot be edited.

    Set CORS of the resource

    Set resource CORS enable status, and if enable is set, additional items can be set.

    To check and change resource CORS settings, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the API with the resource to check and set in the APIs list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Check the Resource list, click the resource to set, and click [View Resource].
    7. To set CORS (default: Disable), click Enable CORS to enable, and set the additional header item.
      • For more information about additional header items, see Step 7 of Create resource.
    8. Click the [Edit] button.
      • If CORS is set to Enable, OPTIONS Method is created, and it is displayed on the corresponding resource list.

    Delete resource

    To delete resources, follow these steps:


    However, the OPTIONS method cannot be deleted. Disabling CORS of resource automatically deletes it.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the API with the resource to delete in the APIs list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click the resource to delete from the Resource list, and click [Delete Resources].
    7. Check the details in the Delete popup window, and click [Delete].

    Import API

    Use the Swagger file, a document related to API composition, to load API resources.

    To import API resources, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click the resource from the Resource list, and click [Import API].
      • Executing import API deletes the current resource, and the imported API information is saved as a new resource.
    7. Drag an externally stored Swagger file to the Drop files here or click to upload. area or click the area to select a Swagger file from the search bar.
    8. Select the processing method for errors or warnings occurring when importing APIs.
      • Warning failure: if an error or warning occurs during Swagger file import, import is canceled
      • Ignore warning: Swagger file is imported regardless of error or warning
    9. Check and edit the defined API details of JSON format, and click [Import API].
      • To preview the settings, click [Preview].
    10. Check the information on the Import API popup window, and click [Yes].
      • If an error occurs, check and edit the error, and try again.

    Manage method

    You can create, set, and test methods on API resources.

    Create method

    To create a method, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click the resource to create a method from the Resource list.
    7. Select the method type to create from the [Create Method] dropdown menu displayed on the right side of the Resource list.
    8. Click [Settings] to enter setting information, and click [Save].
      • Description: enter the description of the method
      • Endpoint: set the endpoint to service. Method setting item changes according to endpoint type.
        • MOCK: returns the value set in API Gateway

          • Status Code: set response code for a request
          • Header: enter the header for a request
          • Response: enter the body for a request
        • HTTP(S): return the call result of HTTP(S) endpoint

          • Stream: enable if request is a file upload request

            • Response time when the stream is turned off is limited to 30 seconds, and max. request size is limited to 10 MB
            • Response time when the stream is turned on is limited to 5 minutes, and max. request size is limited to 100 MB
          • Method: select method to request from the backend server

          • URL path: enter URL except for the domain to request from the backend server (URL path to call to endpoint)

            • Query string and header defined by resource path variable and request parameter can be used as parameters.
            • Parameters are defined using parentheses.


        • NAVER Cloud Platform Service: use services provided by NAVER Cloud Platform (<example> Cloud Functions)

          • Service: select service
          • Region: select the Region where the service is supported
          • Action: select action set for the service
      • API Key required: select API key use status
        • If API key is not used, product subscription method and usage plan are not applied
      • Authentication: set authentication method
        • NONE: authentication not used
        • IAM: use IAM Authentication provided by NAVER Cloud Platform
        • Use existing Authorizer (see Authorizer)
      • Validity test: select validation scope
        • NONE: validation is not executed
        • Query strings & headers: execute validation for query strings and headers. For validation, see the API details defined in the Parameters tab

    Set Method

    To change method settings, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click the upper-resource with the method to set from the Resource list.
    7. Click the method to set.
      • Or click [View] of the method from the Method list of the upper resource.
    8. Click [Settings] and [Parameters], and set each item.
      • For information about the settings on the [Settings] tab, see Create method.
      • For information about the settings on the [Parameters] tab, see Define API details.
      • For information about testing the method after changing the settings, see Test API.

    Delete Method

    To delete a method, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click the upper-resource with the method to delete from the Resource list.
    7. Click [Delete] of the method to delete from the Method list.
    8. Click [Delete] of the Delete Method popup window.

    Define API details

    You can define API details (request/response parameter). Defined API details are used to create Swagger UI.

    To define API details, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click the resource method from the Resource list, and click [Parameters] of the Details displayed on the screen right.
    7. Set request and response parameters.
      • Request area: define details of requests

        • Query string: define query string of requests. When defining the URL path the call to the endpoint, it can be used as a variable like a resource path variable.

          • Name: enter the query string name
          • Description: enter the description of query string
          • Variable type: select query string variable type (string, boolean, integer, long, float, double)
          • Array: if enabled, create multiple query strings of duplicate names
          • Required: if enabled, include in validation
          • To add an item, enter the setting item, and click [Add].
          • To delete an existing item, click [Delete] of the item, and click [Delete] of the Delete Query String popup window.
        • Header: define the request header. When defining the URL path the call to the endpoint, it can be used as a variable like a resource path variable.

          • Name: enter header name
          • Description: enter the description of header
          • Variable type: select Header variable type (string, boolean, integer, long, float, double)
          • Array: if enabled, it creates multiple headers of duplicate names
          • Required: if enabled, include in validation
          • To add an item, enter the setting item, and click [Add].
          • To delete an existing item, click [Delete] of the item, and click [Delete] of the Delete Header popup window.
        • Form data: define the request form data

          • Name: enter the name of form data
          • Description: enter the description of form data
          • Variable type: select form data variable type (string, boolean, integer, long, float, double, file)
          • Array: if enabled, create multiple query strings of duplicate names
          • Required: if enabled, include in validation
          • To add an item, enter the setting item, and click [Add].
          • To delete an existing item, click [Delete] of the item, and click [Delete] of the Delete Form Data popup window.
        • Body: define the request body

          • Name: enter body name
          • Description: enter the description of body
          • Model: define the body model. Body model uses the model defined in the [Models] tab of the API list (see Define body model of request and response)
          • To define the request body, enter the setting items, and click [Save].
          • To delete an existing item, click [Delete] of the item, and click [Delete] of the Delete Body popup window.
        • Content type: define the content type of request body

          • To add a content type, enter the request content type in the input field, and click [Add].
          • To delete an existing item, click [Delete] of the item, and click [Delete] of the Delete Content Type popup window.

          In the case of application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, create a request body using defined form data, and in the case of other content types, use body.

      • Response area: define details of response

        • [Add]: create and define new response code
        • [Edit]: edit the defined response code
        • [Delete]: delete response code
        • Header (if response code is selected): define response header
        • Body (if response code is selected): define response body
        • Content type: define the content type of response bodies

    Test API

    You can execute a test to check whether the resource method is operating properly before deploying the registered API.
    Authentication and usage plans are not applied during the test.

    To test APIs, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Resources].
    6. Click to select a resource method from the Resource list, and click [Test] of the details displayed on the screen right.
    7. Check the URL path from the Endpoint area, and select a Client Certificate.
    8. Set the test path in the Request parameters area, and check the request parameters settings information.
    9. Click [Test].
    10. Check the test result displayed below the [Test].

    Manage Stage

    APIs can be deployed and operated in different versions with stages. You can make settings such as stage-specific cache usage, throttling policies, IP ACLs, and content encoding to stabilize backend services.

    The following describes [Stages] tab menus.

    Create StageCreate Stage
    Delete StageDelete Stage
    Enable CanaryEnable the ability to test in a production environment by creating a Canary environment before deploying the API details to Stage
    ④ Created Stage ListList and path information of created stages
    ⑤ Setting and informationSetting items and information areas displayed when selecting Stage Name, Root Resource (/), Resource and Method from Stage list

    The information displayed when selecting Stage Name, Root Resource (/), Resource and Method from Stage list are as follows.

    • When a stage name is selected

      Invoke URLURL to call the deployed API
      • Format: https://{product-id}{api-name}/{stage-name}
      • To copy the address to the clipboard, click the [Copy Address] button
      SettingsCheck Stage settings
      ExportExport Stage
      Deployment HistoryManage APIs versions deployed to the stage. Not displayed in Canary environments
      Usage PlansControls the API usage. Not displayed in Canary environments
      DocumentCheck stage information in Swagger format
    • When a root resource (/) is selected

      Invoke URLURL to call the deployed API
      • Format: https://{product-id}{api-name}/{stage-name}
      • To copy the address to the clipboard, click the [Copy Address] button
    • When a resource path (name) is selected

      Invoke URLURL to call the deployed API
      • Format: https://{product-id}{api-name}/{stage-name}
      • To copy the address to the clipboard, click the [Copy Address] button
      ② Method listList of methods (in a card view) of the API resource deployed on the stage
      • [View]: view the method information of the corresponding stage
    • When a method is selected

      Invoke URLURL to call the deployed API
      • Format: https://{product-id}{api-name}/{stage-name}
      • To copy the address to the clipboard, click the [Copy Address] button
      TargetEndpoint Domain Service Name
      Follow stage settingsRun the API cache and throttling values according to the stage settings
      • Settings cannot be changed on this page
      Set methodSet the API cache and throttling value directly on the method. The following API Cache and Throttling items can be set after selecting an item
      API CacheSet the API cache TTL
      ThrottlingProtect backend server by limiting number of requests per second for each registered method

    Create Stage

    To deploy the created and set API, a stage must be created first.

    To create a stage, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the API list, click the API you want to create a stage for.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click [Create Stage].
    7. Enter the stage creation information, and click [Create].
      • Stage name: enter the name of stage. Stage name is included in the call URL path of API Gateway
      • Endpoint domain: enter the backend server domain. Combined with the API's resource path, the API path to call to the backend server is formed
      • Certificate Name: select Client Certificates (certificate expires 1 year from certificate creation date)
      • API cache: set the cache. Selecting a setting displays TTL item.
        • TTL: enter seconds to retain cache
      • Throttling: protect backend server by limiting the number of requests per second for each registered method
      • IP ACL: control the API request according to IP
      • Maintenance: set all APIs to return defined status codes and responses
      • Content encoding: set compression and encoding for data sent in requests and responses
    8. Click [OK] on the Create Stage Success popup window.
      • Once a stage is created, the defined API is deployed to the new stage.

    Set Stage

    To change stage settings, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the APIs list, click API with the stage to set.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click the stage name to set from the Stage list.
    7. Click [Settings] from the Details screen displayed on the right side of the Stage list.
    8. Change settings, and click [Save].
      • For information on stage setting items, see Create Stage.
      • If API Cache TTL value is set, click [Reset] and click [Delete] on the Reset Cache popup window to reset this value. Click [OK] on the Reset Success popup window.
    9. Click [Edit] from the Edit popup window.
    10. Click [OK] from the Edit Success popup window.

    Delete Stage

    To delete a stage, follow these steps:


    Deleted stage cannot be recovered.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the APIs list, click the API with the stage to delete.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click the stage name to delete from the Stage list.
    7. Click [Delete Stage].
    8. Enter the stage name to delete in the Delete popup window, and click [Delete].

    Export Stage

    You can download the API deployed on the stage in Swagger JSON 2.0, Open API JSON 3.0, and Java SDK formats.

    To download a deployed API Swagger file, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click the stage name to export from the Stage list.
    7. Click [Export] from the Details screen displayed on the right side of the Stage list.
    8. Select the file format for export from the Platform item, and click [Export].
      • If Java SDK is selected, set additional items if necessary.

    Check and Manage Deployment History

    Check the API deployment history of the stage, download the history, deploy previous version, or delete history.

    To check and manage deployment history, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click the stage name to check the API deployment history from the Stage list.
    7. Click [Deployment History] from the Details screen displayed on the right side of the Stage list.
    8. Check the deployment history, or download, deploy or delete previous deployments.
      • Deployment date and time: date and time the API was deployed to the stage (based on UTC)
      • Description: description entered during API deployment
      • Deployed stage: display i-apigateway-check for items deployed to the current Stage
      • Export: download previous deployment in Swagger JSON 2.0 format
      • Deployment: deploy previous deployment
      • Delete: delete deployment history

    Change Usage Plans

    You can set the stage's API basic request throughput and request processing limit, and you can connect and manage the created Usage Plan in the Usage Plans menu.

    To change a usage plan from a stage, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click the Stage name to change the usage plan from the Stage list.
    7. Click the [Usage Plans] from the Details screen displayed on the right side of the Stage list.
    8. Check the usage plan, and edit it if necessary.
      • Default usage plan: check and set request rate and request quota. Click [Edit] to change settings.
        • Request rate: set the number of requests per second
        • Request quota: set daily and monthly API usage amount
        • Usage amount is counted based on the start of a day/month.
        • Usage amount is counted based on response codes of the endpoint.
      • [Connect Usage Plan]/[Disconnect]: connect or disconnect Usage Plans created in the Usage Plans menu
      • List: usage plan items connected to the corresponding stage
      • Search: enter the usage plan name to search, and click i-apigateway-find to search
      • Sort: set the number of usage plans to be displayed on a list page
      • For more information about usage plans, see Usage Plans.

    Check Document

    You can check the currently deployed API documentation on Stage.

    To view API documents, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click the Stage name to check the API document from the Stage list.
    7. Click [Document] from the Details screen displayed on the right side of the Stage list.
    8. Check the content of the API document.
      • To check the deployed API content in Swagger UI format, click [Preview].

    Enable Canary and test

    Before deploying edited API details to stage, create a Canary environment and execute an operation environment test.

    To enable Canary, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click to select the usage name to enable Canary from the Stage list, and click [Enable Canary].
      • Canary is enabled on the Stage list as "Stage Name+(Canary)."
    7. Click the appropriate Canary (Stage Name+(Canary)) in the Stage list.
    8. Check and set information by clicking [Settings], [Export], [Document] on the details displayed on the right screen.
      • [Settings]: Canary settings
      • [Export]: download the API deployed on the Canary in Swagger JSON 2.0, Open API JSON 3.0, and Java SDK formats
      • [Document]: check API document deployed to Canary. To check the deployed API content in Swagger UI format, click [Preview].

    Canary setting

    To set enabled Canary, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. In the Stage list, click the Canary (Stage Name+(Canary)) you want to configure.
    7. Click [Settings] from the Details screen displayed on the screen right.
    8. Change settings from the Settings screen, and click [Save].
      • Endpoint domain: set endpoint domains of Canary
      • Certificate Name: select Client Certificates (certificate expires 1 year from certificate creation date)
      • Deployment: set request deployment method to stage and Canary
        • Percentage: designate Canary request execution percentage
        • Condition: execute Canary request if request is identical to header and query string
      • API cache: enable canary API cache using Stage's API cache. Unavailable if stage API cache is disabled
        • TTL: enter seconds to retain cache
      • Throttling: protect backend server by limiting the number of requests per second for each registered method

    Canary promotion

    Canary with tests completed can be deployed to stage.

    To deploy Canary, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click to select the Canary (Stage Name+(Canary)) to deploy from the Stage list, and click [Promote Canary].
    7. Check the details in the Promote Canary popup window, and click [Yes].
      • After Canary promotion, Canary is disabled and is deleted from the Stage list.
      • To check deployment history, click [Deployment History] displayed on the screen right after clicking a Stage Name. For more information, see Check and manage Deployment History.

    Disable Canary

    You can disable (delete) the enabled Canary.

    To disable Canary, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Stages].
    6. Click to select the Canary (Stage Name+(Canary)) to disable from the Stage list, and click [Disable Canary].
    7. Check the details in the Disable Canary popup window, and click [Yes].
      • After disabling Canary, Canary is deleted from the Stage list.

    Define the gateway response

    You can change the defined API Gateway response settings.

    Check and edit response

    To check and change API Gateway responses, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. Click the target API from the API list.
    5. Click [Gateway Responses].
    6. Click the response type from the Response list to check or change details.
      • Details area
        • Status code: currently defined response code
        • Default setting: whether the response type is the default setting
        • To edit the response code for the response type, click [Edit] of the Status Code item, modify the code (100 to 599), and then click [Save]. To cancel edition, click [Cancel].
        • If changes are set, Default setting item changes from Yes to No.
      • Response header area
        • To add a response header, enter a header name and header value (variable or static), and click [Add].
        • The response header name can include any valid string.
        • The response header value can be a valid demand parameter or static value grouped with single quotation marks.
        • To delete the added response header, click [Delete] of the corresponding response header, and click [Delete] of the Delete Response popup window.
        • Refer to Content variable for content variables available for response header and response message.
      • Mapping template area
        • Content mapping template can be designated for data return. Template is declared when Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL) is used.
        • To add a mapping template, click [Add], enter the content type and mapping template information in the Add Mapping Template popup window, and click [Add].
        • To edit a mapping template, click and select a mapping template to edit from the list, and click [Edit]. Edit mapping template information on the Edit Mapping Template popup window, and click [Edit].
        • To delete a mapping template, click and select a mapping template to delete from the list, and click [Delete]. Click [Delete] in the Delete Mapping Template popup window.
      • To reset changes to default value, click and select the response type to reset from the list, and click [Reset]. Check the details in the Reset popup window, and click [Reset]. If changes are set, Default Setting item changes from No to Yes.

    Content variable

    Response header and response message can use the following content variables.

    Content variableDescription
    ${context.productName}Product name
    ${context.apiName}API name
    ${context.error.message}Error message string
    ${context.error.messageString}Error message string, "$context.error.message"
    ${context.error.responseType}Response type
    ${context.identity.accountId}AccessKey account ID (if IAM authentication is used)
    ${context.identity.apiKey}API key (if using API key)
    ${context.identity.sourceIp}Caller IP
    ${context.identity.user}Same as ${context.identity.accountId}
    ${context.identity.userAgent}User Agent
    ${context.path}URL path
    ${context.protocol}Call protocol (<예시>HTTP/1.1)
    ${context.requestId}Request ID
    ${context.requestTime}Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
    ${context.resourcePath}Resource path
    ${context.methodCode}Endpoint method
    ${context.methodName}Endpoint method
    ${context.status}Response code
    ${context.stage}Stage name
    ${method.request.path.PARAM_NAME}Request path variable
    ${method.request.queryString.PARAM_NAME}Request query string
    ${method.request.header.PARAM_NAME}Request header
    ### Define body model of request and response

    You can define body models for use in API details.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the APIs list, click the API to define a body model.
    5. Click [Models].
    6. When necessary, define a new model or edit and delete models.
      • To add a model, click [Add], enter information in the Add Model popup window, and click [Add].
        • Model Name: name of the model to create
        • Description: enter the description of model
        • Schema: use JSON schema when declaring a model
          • [Schema] tab: create a schema
          • [Preview] tab: preview of the created schema action
        • Composition examples
               "title": "Person",
               "type": "object",
                   "properties": {
                       "firstName": {
                           "type": "string"
                       "lastName": {
                           "type": "string"
                       "age": {
                           "description": "Age in years",
                           "type": "integer",
                           "minimum": 0
               "required": ["firstName", "lastName"]
    • Click to select the model to edit from the list, and click [Edit]. Edit model information on the Edit Model popup window, and click [Edit].
    • Click to select the model to delete from the list, and click [Delete]. Click [Delete] of the Delete popup window.

    Compose an overview of API manual

    API manual overview can be created with Markdown grammar.

    To create an API manual overview, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the target product in the Product list.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the APIs list, click the API you want to create a manual for.
    5. Click [Overview].
    6. Click the [Edit] button.
    7. Click [Enter].
    8. Write an overview using Markdown grammar in the input field, and click [Save].
      • To preview the written contents, click [Preview].
      • You can check the created overview through Check Catalog and edit it from the Catalog screen.

    Deploy API

    To deploy a registered API, follow these steps:


    To deploy an API, a stage must be created first.
    For information on how to create a stage, see Create Stage.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. In the Product list, click i-apigateway-apis in the APIs column of the Product whose API you want to deploy.
      • Clicking the API name in the APIs list of detailed information moves the API to the selected API list screen.
    4. From the APIs list, click the API to deploy.
    5. Click [Deploy API].
    6. Set the API deployment information on the API Deployment popup window, and click [Add].
      • Stage to deploy: select the stage to deploy
      • Description: enter description about the deployment
    7. Click [OK] on the Deploy API Success popup window.
      • An API can be deployed to a single stage multiple times, and it can be managed through Deployment History.

    Call API

    Deployed API can be called. Depending on the API setting, authentication is required.

    API call without authentication

    Refer to the following example for calling an API not requiring authentication.

    curl -i -X GET

    API call with API key

    Refer to the following example for calling an API requiring the API key.

    x-ncp-apigw-api-keyKey issued API Gateway (Primary Key or Secondary Key)
    Add only when API key is demanded
    curl -i -X GET \
       -H "x-ncp-apigw-api-key:cstWXuw4wqp1EfuqDwZeMz5fh0epaTykRRRuy5Ra" \

    API call with IAM authentication

    Refer to the following example for calling an API requiring IAM authentication.

    x-ncp-apigw-api-keyKey issued API Gateway (Primary Key or Secondary Key)
    Add only when API key is demanded
    x-ncp-apigw-timestampTime elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
    If the time differs from that of the API Gateway server by 5 minutes or more, then the request is considered invalid
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyThis is the access key ID issued by the portal or Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature encrypted with SecretKey mapped to Access Key ID
    HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm
    curl -i -X GET \
       -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp:1505290625682" \
       -H "x-ncp-apigw-api-key:cstWXuw4wqp1EfuqDwZeMz5fh0epaTykRRRuy5Ra" \
       -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key:D78BB444D6D3C84CA38A" \
       -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:WTPItrmMIfLUk/UyUIyoQbA/z5hq9o3G8eQMolUzTEo=" \
    • Check access key ID and SecretKey

      Access key ID and SecretKey can be checked from My Page > Manage Account > Manage Authentication Key of the portal.

    • Create Signature

      GET /photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2
      GET /photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2

      The x-ncp-apigw-timestamp value of the request header and timestamp of StringToSign must be identical.

      • URL used for signature does not include domains.
      • Use \n for a newline character.

    Create a StringToSign appropriate for your request, encrypt it with your secret key and the HmacSHA256 algorithm, and encode it with Base64. This value is used as x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2.
    The following are sample codes for each code type.

    • Java sample code

      public String makeSignature() {
        String space = " ";					// one space
        String newLine = "\n";					// new line
        String method = "GET";					// method
        String url = "/photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2";	// url (include query string)
        String timestamp = "{timestamp}";			// current timestamp (epoch)
        String accessKey = "{accessKey}";			// access key id (from portal or sub account)
        String secretKey = "{secretKey}";
        String message = new StringBuilder()
        SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");
        Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        String encodeBase64String = Base64.getEncoder(rawHmac);
        return encodeBase64String;
    • JavaScript sample code

      CryptoJS v3.1.2
      (c) 2009-2013 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
      function makeSignature() {
        var space = " ";				// one space
        var newLine = "\n";				// new line
        var method = "GET";				// method
        var url = "/photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2";	// url (include query string)
        var timestamp = "{timestamp}";			// current timestamp (epoch)
        var accessKey = "{accessKey}";			// access key id (from portal or sub account)
        var secretKey = "{secretKey}";			// secret key (from portal or sub account)
        var hmac = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256, secretKey);
        var hash = hmac.finalize();
        return hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
    • Python3 sample code

      import hashlib
      import hmac
      import base64
      import time
      def	make_signature():
        timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
        timestamp = str(timestamp)
        access_key = "{accessKey}"				# access key id (from portal or sub account)
        secret_key = "{secretKey}"				# secret key (from portal or sub account)
        secret_key = bytes(secret_key, 'UTF-8')
        method = "GET"
        uri = "/photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2"
        message = method + " " + uri + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + access_key
        message = bytes(message, 'UTF-8')
        signingKey = base64.b64encode(, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
        return signingKey
    • Bash sample code

      function makeSignature() {
        TIMESTAMP=$(echo $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000)))
        ACCESSKEY="{accessKey}"				# access key id (from portal or sub account)
        SECRETKEY="{secretKey}"				# secret key (from portal or sub account)
        SIG="$METHOD"' '"$URI"${nl}
        SIGNATURE=$(echo -n -e "$SIG"|iconv -t utf8 |openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac $SECRETKEY -binary|openssl enc -base64)
    • Objective-C sample code

      #include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
      #include <CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h>
      - (NSString*) makeSignature
        NSString* space = @" ";
        NSString* newLine = @"\n";
        NSString* method = @"GET";
        NSString* url = @"/photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2";
        NSString* timestamp = @"{timestamp}";
        NSString* accessKey = @"{accessKey}";
        NSString* secretKey = @"{secretKey}";
        NSString* message = [[NSString alloc] init];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:method];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:space];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:url];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:newLine];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:timestamp];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:newLine];
        message = [message stringByAppendingString:accessKey];
        const char *cKey = [secretKey cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
        const char *cData = [message StringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
        unsigned char cHMAC[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
        CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA256, cKey, strlen(cKey), cData, strlen(cData), cHMAC);
        NSData *hash = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:cHMAC length:sizeof(cHMAC)];
        const uint8_t* input = (const uint8_t*)[hash bytes];
        NSInteger length = [theData length];
        static char table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
        NSMutableData* data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:((length + 2) / 3) * 4];
        uint8_t* output = (uint8_t*)data.mutableBytes;
        NSInteger i;
        for (i=0; i < length; i += 3) {
          NSInteger value = 0;
          NSInteger j;
          for (j = i; j < (i + 3); j++) {
            value <<= 8;
            if (j < length) {
              value |= (0xFF & input[j]);
          NSInteger theIndex = (i / 3) * 4;
          output[theIndex + 0] = table[(value >> 18) & 0x3F];
          output[theIndex + 1] = table[(value >> 12) & 0x3F];
          output[theIndex + 2] = (i + 1) < length ? table[(value >> 6) & 0x3F] : '=';
          output[theIndex + 3] = (i + 2) < length ? table[(value >> 0) & 0x3F] : '=';
        return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    • C# sample code

        using System;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Security.Cryptography;
        class ApiGateway
            static String MakeSignature() {
                String method = "GET";
                String space = " ";
                String url = "/photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2";
                String newLine = "\n";
                String timestamp = "{timestamp}";
                String accessKey = "{accessKey}";
                String secretKey = "{secretKey}";
                var message = new StringBuilder();
                string result = message.ToString();
                String signature = string.Empty;
                byte[] byteSecretKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretKey);
                using (HMACSHA256 hmacSha256 = new HMACSHA256(byteSecretKey))
                    Byte[] dataToHmac = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
                    signature = Convert.ToBase64String(hmacSha256.ComputeHash(dataToHmac));
                return signature;
    • PHP sample code

        function makeSignature() {
                $StringToSign = 'GET /photos/puppy.jpg?query1=&query2' . PHP_EOL . '{timestamp}' . PHP_EOL . '{accessKey}';
                $secret_key = '{secretKey}';
                $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $StringToSign, $secret_key, true));
                return $signature;

    Error code

    The following are error code types and descriptions that can occur during call API.

    400100Bad Request ExceptionRequest error such as protocol (https) or encoding (UTF-8)
    401200Authentication FailedAuthentication failed
    401210Permission DeniedUnauthorized
    404300Not Found ExceptionNot found
    429400Quota ExceededQuota exceeded
    429410Throttle LimitedRate exceeded
    429420Rate LimitedRate exceeded
    413430Request Entity Too LargeRequest entity size limit exceeded
    415440Unsupported Media TypeUnsupported media type
    503500Endpoint ErrorEndpoint connection error
    504510Endpoint TimeoutEndpoint connection time limit exceeded
    500900Unexpected ErrorError not handled as an exception

    Error response format

    The following are error response types that can occur during call API.

    • When content-type of request is application/xml

      <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
              <message>Permission Denied</message>
    • Others

            "message":"Permission Denied"

    Manage documents

    There are 3 types of API documents. For more information on each document, see the appropriate user guide.

    Check catalog

    You can check the summary overview and documentation of posted API documents. In the case of the summary, its contents can be edited.

    • To check the catalog, you must deploy the API to the stage first, and then post it to the stage. For information on how to post an API, see Post API.
    • Catalogs posted and published by other users can be referred to and subscribed. For more information, see the Published APIs user guide.

    To check a catalog, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-view of the Catalog column of the product with the catalog to check from the Product list.
    4. In the API list of the product, click the name of the API whose catalog you want to check, and check the information.
      • Overview: overview of API manual
        • To edit, click [Edit], enter information in the input field of the [Input] tab, and click [Save]
        • To preview edited information, click [Preview]
      • API manual
        • To check API manual contents in Swagger UI format, click the stage name or i-apigateway-view

    Post API

    You can post the developed API so that other users can use it by referring to the API guide.

    To post APIs, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-publish in the Post column of the target Product in the Product list.
    4. Click the API name to post on the catalog list of the product, and click [Post].
    5. When the Post Success popup window is displayed, click [OK].

    Connect API key to stage and manage

    In the API Keys menu, you can register the created API key to stage, and set the usage status and API usage.

    Connect API key

    To connect an API key to a stage, follow these steps:


    To connect an API Key to Stage, you must first create an API Key. For more information, see the API Keys user guide.

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apikeys in the API keys column of the target Product in the Product list.
    4. Click [Add My API Key].
    5. Click and select an API key to connect from the Add My API Key popup window, and click [Add].
      • After entering the API key name, click i-apigateway-find to quickly find the desired API key.
    6. Check whether the connected API key to the stage is added to the API key list screen.

    The following describes the API key list after an API key is connected.

    Add my API KeyConnect API Key to Stage
    Change statusChange the usage status of API Key for an API
    Usage plansChange the usage plan for API key
    ④ Search barSelect the search condition, enter the search keyword, and click i-apigateway-find to search
    ⑤ FilterSort the list according to the usage status of API key
    ⑥ SortSet the number of API Keys to display on each list page
    ⑦ API Key listAPI Key items linked to the stage
    • API key ID: ID of the API key linked to the stage
    • API Key name: name of the API key linked to the stage
    • Primary Key: Primary Key of the API key linked to the stage
    • Secondary Key: Secondary Key of the API key linked to the stage
    • Status: displays the current API key status (Requests, Approved, Rejection, Request rejection, or Request blocking)
    • Request date and time: date and time when the request to connect the API key to the stage was made
    • Edit date: date and time when the API key status was modified

    Change API key status

    You can change the usage status of API key for the API.

    To change the API key use status, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apikeys in the API keys column of the target Product in the Product list.
    4. Click to select API key to change the status from the API key list, and click [Change Status].
    5. Select and change the Status from the Status popup window, and click [Save].
      • Requests: status of an API key being requested
      • Approved: status of an being available for call an API
      • Rejection: status of an approved API Key being unavailable to call the API
      • Request rejection: status of an API Key approval request being refused
      • Request blocking: status of an API Key approval request being blocked

    Change API Key Usage Plan

    To change an API usage plan, follow these steps:

    1. In the NAVER Cloud Platform console, click the Services > Application Services > API Gateway menus in order.
    2. Click the My Products menu.
    3. Click i-apigateway-apikeys in the API keys column of the target Product in the Product list.
    4. Click and select an API key to change its usage plan from the API key list, and click [Usage Plans].
    5. From the Usage Plan list screen, select the target API, and click [Edit Usage Plan].
      • API: API name connected with API key
      • Stage: Stage name connected with API key
      • Usage plan: usage plan name set to the stage
      • Request date and time: date and time of requesting API Key and Stage connection
      • Edit date and time: date and time of changing the Usage Plan setting
      • Daily call/request processing limit: display the number of daily calls and the daily request processing limit set in the usage plan
      • Monthly call/request processing limit: display the number of monthly calls and the monthly request processing limit set in the usage plan
    6. Select and change Usage plan on the Edit Usage Plan popup window, and click [Save].
      • Default usage plan: API usage amount set on the Default usage plan item from the [Usage Plans] tab of the stage (see Change Stage Usage Plan)
      • Usage plan connected to Stage: display the usage plan created in the Usage plans menu and linked in the [Usage plans] tab of the corresponding stage. The number next to the Usage Plan is the number of connected stages

    Usage limit

    Number of Product to create60
    Number of possible API to create per Product20
    Number of API key to create500
    Number of Resources to create per API300
    Number of Stages to create per API10
    Number of Usage plan to create300
    TTL settings1 to 3600 seconds
    TTL settings (Stream API)No cache
    API processing time600 seconds
    Endpoint API processing time30 seconds
    Endpoint API processing time (Stream API)300 seconds
    Request body10 MB
    Request body (Stream API)100MB

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    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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