Data Teleporter overview
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    Data Teleporter overview

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Data Teleporter is a service that allows transferring large amounts of data quickly and easily. Because data is transferred through dedicated equipment, large amounts of data can be transferred without worrying about network costs and security. You can import or export data to NAVER Cloud Platform's storage.

    Various features provided by Data Teleporter

    The descriptions of various feature provided by Data Teleporter are as follows.

    • Migrating large amounts of data quickly: use dedicated equipment with 87 TB of storage space and 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and 40 Gbps Ethernet ports
    • Device encryption: encryption requires entering a password to activate the device, enabling secure data transfer
    • Supporting various transfer protocols: supports standard transfer protocols like FTP, NFS, and CIFS
    • Supporting various storage: supports NAVER Cloud Platform's Object Storage, NAS support
    • Complete data deletion: delete the data stored in the device and reset device upon completion of service use

    About Data Teleporter guide

    Data Teleporter provides its services in the Korea region. Please see the following table of contents and their details for smooth use of Data Teleporter.

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources as well as the guide to help customers better understand Data Teleporter. If you're a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while you're considering adopting Data Teleporter for your company or establishing data related policies, then please make good use of the following resources.

    Check FAQs first.

    You can get your questions answered quickly by referring to the answers in the FAQ before reading the guide. If you haven't found the answer to your question in the following FAQs, then search the guide for what you would like to know.

    Q. How can I transfer data to the device?
    A. Data Teleporter supports transfer protocols such as FTP, NFS, and CIFS. Therefore, data can be transferred between on-premise storage and device, or between devices and NAVER Cloud Platform storage, through the corresponding transfer protocol.

    Q. How much capacity can one piece of device hold?
    A. Each device can store 87 TB of data. <example> To migrate 150 TB of data, 2 devices should be rented.

    Q. What is the procedure for using Data Teleporter?
    A. Data Teleporter can be used by creating a task in the console, and the usage procedure differs depending on the job type. For more information on the usage procedure, see Data Teleporter Scenario.

    Q. How long is the device rental period?
    A. Unless otherwise requested, the device must be returned to NAVER Cloud Platform within 90 days of rental, and device not returned within 90 days will be considered lost and fee for lost device may apply.

    Q. How are usage fees charged?
    A. For Data Teleporter, device rental fee and technical support service usage fee are added together. For pricing details, see Data Teleporter Introduction in the portal.

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