Papago Translation overview
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    Papago Translation overview

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Papago Translation is a service that automatically translates into multiple languages through neural machine translation based on artificial neural networks.


    Papago Translation does not store original data nor uses it as learning data.

    Various functions provided by Papago Translation

    Descriptions of various functions provided by Papago Translation are as follows.

    • Text translation: you may translate a document using Papago Text Translation. You may improve the translation quality using glossary, honorific translation, and term replacement options.
    • Document translation: you may translate a document using Papago Doc Translation. Since only the text is extracted and translated while maintaining the layout the document, the inconvenience in the work may reduce and usability may increase.
    • Website translation: you may translate a document using Papago Website Translation. The translation accuracy may increase through the web translation to which an exclusive tag restoration technique of Papago is applied.
    • Language detection: you may detect the language of the input text using Papago Language Detection.

    Papago Translation user guide

    Papago Translation provides service in the Korean region. For efficient use of Papago Translation, check the following table of contents.

    • Papago Translation overview: information on Papago Translation and related helpful resources
    • Prerequisites for using Papago Translation: information on supported specifications, precautions on use, and pricing information for using Papago Translation
    • Papago Translation scenarios: information on the entire process for using Papago Translation
    • Starting Papago Translation: guide on how to request and cancel the Papago Translation in the NAVER Cloud Platform console, and how to request subscription to Cloud Insight required to use the application usage limits notifications
    • Using Papago Translation: information on how to use Papago Translation
      • Subscribe and unsubscribe: introduction to requesting and canceling Papago Translation subscriptions from the NAVER Cloud Platform console
      • APIs: introduction to how to register and manage an application of Papago Translation and how to set notifications and application usage limits
      • Usage: introduction to how to see the usage of Papago Translation and download an Excel file of the usage
      • Glossary: introduction to how to register and manage the glossary
    • Papago Translation copyright notice policy: introduction to the copyright notice policy on the translation result screen when using Papago Text Translation
    • Papago Translation API: introduction to the use of API in Papago Translation
    • Managing Papago Translation permissions: introduction to managing Papago Translation permissions using Sub Account
    • Papago Translation release note: update history of Papago Translation user guide

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides various related resources as well as the guide to help customers better understand Papago Translation. If you're a developer or marketer in need of detailed information while you're considering adopting Papago Translation for your company or establishing data related policies, then please make good use of the resources below.

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